<- Ideo Social Mobiles

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    Like to share your thoughts on the Ideo social mobiles project posted by Yugo?

    Here are my thoughts.

    1. The handwritten letter mobile phone.

    For digital people like us someone must be very special in order to write him/her a handwritten letter. Even if the mobile saves the dreaded walk to the post office.

    2. The voicemail listening mobile phone.

    Not a social enhancement for the one caller, but it stops the caller from talking back into his phone. Hence no surrounding noise and no awkward conversation people can listen into.

    3. The whispering mobile phone

    Conversations are filtered to a whispering voice. When you hear someone whispering you automatically lower your volume and whisper too. It's a natural reflex.

    4. The monotonous mobile phone

    It filters out al the nuances and emotion in your voice. This doesn't sound like a social enhancement, but when you don't hear emotion in someones voice you have to listen more carefully to what he/she is saying in order not to insult the other.
    I know this very well, because I rely on facial expressions very much to know how someone feels about a conversation. A phone is a real handicap.