Javascript Menu

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  • Haydesign

    OK here is the problem.
    I have a centre aligned site, and all these free javascript menus I find are absolute positioned.

    A) Anyone know what I'm talking about?

    B) Anyone know where I can find one that isn't?

  • dc_again0

    doesn't matter if your site is centre aligned.

    absolutely positioned items are positioned top and left of their positioned container - in most cases this is the browser window.

    however, if you have, for instance, a div centre aligned (containing your site) and position it "relative", any absolutely positioned items within that div will be positioned absolutely within *that* div, not the browser window.

    so you can place your javascript menu where ever you want within your site, but your site - and everything else - will remain in the centre of the browser.

    hope this makes sense. not the easiest thing to describe without showing examples. if you need to see something, give me a shout.

  • Haydesign0

    Your a legend DC.

    I thought I had no friends here so I just paid £30 for one!

    Thanks anyway. Any way I can help you back (try) give me a shout!