funny work

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  • k0na_an0k

    i'd like to take a moment and share some of my laughs i've had at some pretty weird... um... things around here the past 2 weeks.

    - the other day it was about 5pm and i had walked out of the washroom and was walking past the elevators to enter the door to go back into the office, there was a guy standing there waiting for the elevator, as i opened the door i said to him 'yo man, have a good night.' and he looks at me and goes 'CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... the whole time as i unlocked the door's keypad, opened the door, walked in and looked back at him as the door was closing. wtf was t hat!?!

    - we have keypads that open the doors around here. i'll see guys once in a while get lazy and raise their leg to try and open the door cause their key is in their pocket. about 20 minutes ago out of the corner of my eye i see this i.t. guy trying to open the door by lifting his leg while holding a glass of water, he lost his balance trying to lift his leg up to the keypad and falls backwards into the wall and spills water all over the place. i did my best not to laugh but sorry... itt was fucking funny. i laughed my ass off.

    - about a week ago i got here pretty early and was sitting at my cube with the lights off, kind quiet and i hear these footsteps coming my way. all of a sudden there is this HUGE fart, i lean around teh cube and the cute intern is standing there... mortified that someone was actually around. she still gets embarassed around me for it.

    - yesterday i sent the sam jackson viral to one of the new guys' here phones. 'hello mark... this is samuel l. jackson calling...' for 20 minutes he was going crazy telling everyone sam jackson actually called him. poor bastard. i didn't have the heart to tell him. hope he never finds out.


    you guys got any? i've been in meetings for the past 2 weeks and my brain is fucking fried. need something to keep me going.

  • Sven_sk0

    nothing funny every happens in our office.

  • brandelec0

    hahaha at keypad fall.. we used to have the same system and used to do the same thing

    last week, during a meeting, project manager mentions 'DP' (stands for 'something postion') .. one dude didn't know and asked what it stood for.. and with ninja-like reflex, my boss blurts out DOUBLE PENETRATION

    someone spat out their coffee, and we all howled for a couple of minutes

  • flavorful0

    Haha those are some good ones, I mainly just tell a whole bunch of puns at work.

    Much to everyone's shygrin.

    I dance all the time.

    Much to everyone's shygrin.

    Make fun of everyone.

    Much to everyone's shygrin.

    Stare at myself in all the reflective windows.

    Much to everyone's shygrin.

    And my favourite thing to do is to see someone;s head walking down an aisle then also like a ninja, running as fast and as silently as possible crouched down just in time to jump in front of them and yell BOO!!!

    People hate that.

    Especially when they are holding something like let's say a laptop, or hot coffee.

  • Sven_sk0

    "Much to everyone's shygrin." isn't really a pun so much.

  • k0na_an0k0

    last week, during a meeting, project manager mentions 'DP' (stands for 'something postion') .. one dude didn't know and asked what it stood for.. and with ninja-like reflex, my boss blurts out DOUBLE PENETRATION

    someone spat out their coffee, and we all howled for a couple of minutes
    (Aug 10 06, 13:09)


  • Sven_sk0

    People hate that.

    Especially when they are holding something like let's say a laptop, or hot coffee.
    (Aug 10 06, 13:12)

    you are REALLY young aren't you? like 16? 17?

  • joyride0

    I had an old boss that always used to call working through lunch a "nooner"... I always declined her offer because it has a totally different meaning then the way she was using it. Stupid thing was, everyone always snickered when she said it. Even her boss... stupid bitch!

  • k0na_an0k0

    i didn't see it, but heard it.

    i guess a couple weeks ago the i.t. guys were fucking with their intern. they had a shitload of old dell boxes they needed to move from the 2nd floor to the 1st. the elevators here are notoriously slow so after a few trips the sr. i.t. guy mike i guess was like 'dude, fuck it, lets carry these down the stairs'

    well, with those boxes he had stripped everything from them and filled the empty shells with a ream of 500 sheet paper for weight, and a ton of packaging peanuts.

    i guess the kid went first and mike was behind him. mike was like 'OH SHIT' and fake threw his computer down the steps behind the kid. when it hit i guess the kid freaked and dropped his. as it left his hands i guess he really loudly screamed 'OH GOOOOOOOOD' and they both crashed to the floor spilling the packaging peanuts everywhere.

    mike told me 'honest to god by the look on his face i think he shit his pants'.


    ah to fuck with the interns. so fun.

  • tommyo0

    haha I have one..

    So yesterday I'm sitting here at my desk and all of a sudden I get this feeling like I should turn, so I do...

    That's when I see my two co-workers totally sleeping, I'm bored, so I decide that it's time to play a joke. I grab my half full glass of water...creep over to them and just as I got close enough, one of them opens his eyes...I decide to focus my efforts on the still sleeping co-worker #2 so I give co-worker #1 the 'shhhh' sign with my pointer finger over my lips. He just stares at me...

    So I get nice and close and then dump the glass of water on co-worker #2. She shoots up, looks around and then starts shaking like a mad woman! I was busting up laughing, co-worker #1 was in shock.

    I just love playing jokes on my dog, they're way too easy. Damn, I should probably work in the vicinity of actual people at some point in my career eh?

  • k0na_an0k0


    i was going to say... 'hey... tommy freelances'

    haha! awesome.

  • MLP0

    - about a week ago i got here pretty early and was sitting at my cube with the lights off, kind quiet and i hear these footsteps coming my way. all of a sudden there is this HUGE fart, i lean around teh cube and the cute intern is standing there... mortified that someone was actually around. she still gets embarassed around me for it."

    definitely busted one of the PR interns doing this last week.

  • mg330

    At a software company I worked at in college, and to a coworker's computer (his name was Richard) I went through the network and changed the Windows error noise from the typical "ding" to the quote from Tommy Boy where Farley says "Richard, what's happening to me!" where he breaks the jacket.

  • mg330

    Also, when I did telemarketing selling magazine subscriptions during the summer in high school, we had a boss there who was an absolute maniac.

    We all had that gizmo on our phones that removed background noise, but the boss would "motivate" us by jumping up on tables, screaming like a Rittlin infused hyperactive child, "LET'S SELL SOME DAMN MAGAZINES!!!! WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! YAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"
    and just generally bugging out.

    We'd have to hang up on people because we were laughing so hard, but once I had an old woman say 'Where's that screamin' coming from? The phone?"