Benefits of a having a blog

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  • Not_Just_Another

    Hi fellow QBN-ers,

    Just thought I'd pick your brains.

    I've been considering setting up a blog for the company I work for for a little while now and I just wanted to know what you guys thought would be the major pros/cons for having one.

    One of the main aims would be to help get a bit of exposure for the company (for clients as well as the design community). I'd also hope that it would get everyone in the studio to club together and contribute.

    What do you reckon? What kind of pitfalls should I try and avoid? Have you had any similar experience?


  • skt0

    pros - it gets everyone in the studio to club together and contribute.
    cons - the above does not actually happen.

    • well it didn't with ours.. i think the last post was about 5 months ago now.skt
    • eek - will have to think of some kind of post-4-reward scheme...Not_Just_Another
    • Nice work on your site BTW!Not_Just_Another
  • kelpie0

    agree with skt, we're putting one on our new site and its going to be a nightmare keeping it up to date.

    pros are that if you can keep it going, and you have interesting things to say, it'll make you look like an industry leader type, and it means that your site is constantly "new" rather than only having any reason to visit it when new work goes up every 8 months.

    Quite a powerful thing, knowing that the content on your site will always be fresh no matter when whoever comes to see it.

    • Thanks Kelpie - it looks like keeping the content fresh will be the key.Not_Just_Another