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  • 140 Responses
  • Bennn-1

    I'm totally sold for the Pixel 2!

    • i have the first one and i love itCALLES
    • I didn't upgrade my iPhone and might seriously consider changing.mg33
    • You wont regret it mg33, once you dive into Android you'll never want to go back to iOSBennn
    • does it come with a headphone adapter?monospaced
    • oh mono :)
      healthy competition will hopefully make Apple great again!
    • #magafadein11
    • I'm just laughing because so many people said Apple was stupid/insane to make the move, as if nobody else would dare do the same thing.monospaced
    • Adapter is $25 add on.monospaced
    • YIP - Pixel user, moving to Pixel 2robthelad
    • The Apple adapter came free with the phone.CyBrainX
    • the headphone adapter is in the box with a Pixel 2Bennn
  • zarkonite3…

    Their new earbuds can translate right in your ear. This is some star trek shit.

  • instrmntl0

    That kid has mentos stuck in his ear.

  • zarkonite0

    I don't get the camera clip thingamagick... wtf is the point?

    • SpyingChimp
    • "It shoots at up to 15 frames per second"? Aside from being spywear (GEDDIT?! :D) that's just crap.detritus
  • mapleT-3

    Google Clips: a new way for the gov't to spy on you picking your nose.

  • monNom4

    Who buys a $1800 laptop that only supports a web-browser? These chrome-books boggle me.

    • that much? damn!moldero
    • that's the top spec, but still.monNom
    • see it more as a iPad ProBennn
    • I came here to post the same — it's a very pretty machine, but ... from any perspective I can think of, functionally useless.detritus
    • Reading on HN, some are keen to insta-install Linux on it, which .. well, again, i don't understand. Just buy any computer and do the same?detritus
    • Innovation never sleepsmonospaced
  • mg334

    This might be the thing that gets me to really consider stepping away from an iPhone. I'm a huge fan of Google's UI design and material design, and while it really isn't a thing to complain about, Apple just feels to be lacking the past few years in that department.

    • and the camera is A1 on the PIXEL2 ;-) Waterproof tooBennn
    • Yep. Funny how we gravitate to the camera aspects of phones more than the phone aspects! :Dmg33
    • < cause we don't have to carry around that other camera with us everywhere now. Phone cameras are hella important and glad to see someone is listening.sea_sea
  • detritus0

    Google is fucking creepy.

    I really need to make more effort to jettison their 'services'.

    • Facebook's far creepier, for sure, but from my perspective mostly easily avoidable.detritus
    • It really isn't. None of it will matter when you are dead in 30ish years.fadein11
    • How not?detritus
    • because noone will give a shit what you bought, browsed or wanked to.fadein11
    • i meant, how is it really not creepy? I don't doubt no one will give a fuck in 3 years, never mind 30, what I do. But that's hardly the point.detritus
    • Ah the good old 'no one is interested in you so it's fine if you're spied on' bile.

      Bile, by idiots for idiots.
    • Was that aimed at me? I thought I was stating the opposite? Of course it's a fucking problem.detritus
    • Not aimed at you. Obviously...set
    • Jesus - give me a break. I was being light hearted. Spying isn't good no but Google are not the only ones doing it. And yet again Set is confused, a big Androidfadein11
    • fan no?fadein11
    • If you are that concerned ditch all smartphones, use a tor browser etc. etc. I think its pretty much unavoidable these days isn't it.fadein11
    • "I don't doubt no one will give a fuck in 3 years, never mind 30" - this tickled me.fadein11
    • I'm not confused in the slightestset
    • Well, in relation to this post, at least...set
    • so on one hand you consider Google spying on you an issue to be worried about yet on the other you use and promote Android to others on this forum.fadein11
    • You can't really have your cake and eat it can you. Surely if you are THAT concerned you wouldn't use a device that does it. Hmmm.fadein11
    • Of course I can have my cake and eat it. I couldn't give two shits...set
    • ... but the argument that no one wants to spy on you, or that you're not doing anything illegal, so why does it matter if you're spied on is completely retardedset
    • But that wasn't my argument at any pointfadein11
    • it was a silly joke about wanking mate - lighten up.fadein11
    • lol you're completely self absorbed. You daid that no one cares what he does so it doesn't matter and I said how retarded that so commonly used argument isset
    • Get over yourselfset
    • https://images.rapge…fadein11
    • It was still never my argument lol. Numbnuts.fadein11
    • And I never said noone cares what he does either.fadein11
    • Jesus set, straight in the deep end yet again. Your posts are truly obnoxious to read, ughTOMMYxGUNN
  • Bennn-2

    On Google's website >

    USB-C Digital to 3.5 mm headphone adapter : $25

    Holy fuck! NO WAY MAN! How the Hell can they charge that much for a 10cent piece of wire!

    • I'll get a cheap copy from eBay for that (i'll need it for the car, no bluetooth in ma ca)Bennn
    • Innovationmonospaced
    • monoprice will have those for a buck soonzarkonite
  • mg330


    For those of us with iPhones who use iMessages and use it on our Apple computers, what's the equivalent with Android and how can I continue sending/receiving text messages from a computer using a Google phone?

    Apps: Do any app makers offer transfers of in-app purchases from iPhone to Android? Example: I've got all the VSCO Cam presets on the app, and the app is available on Android. How do I avoid rebuying them on an Android device? Same for other apps that cost money or have in-app purchases.

    • mighty text!
      wouldn't you just restore purchases once you log in with your credentials on android?
    • No prob with VSCOBennn
    • There is no iMessage equivalent because Google can't make up their fucking mind and bring out new messaging apps every 12 minutes.face_melter
    • The closest they had/have is Hangouts but that is being pushed towards corporate use. Allo is a calamity.face_melter
    • I use hangouts, what's the issue? it just works.zarkonite
    • I would assume that your account on any of these companies would track what you've purchased... unless they're dishonest to the point of pretending thatzarkonite
    • buying on iOS != Androidzarkonite
    • lots of 3rd party, i'm using TextraBennn
    • Plenty of options. Personally I just use whatsapp web...set
    • I used to use Airdroid, it's great... Just don't feel the need to anymore, but worth a look.. http://airdroid.comset
  • section_0141

    $999 Chromebook (starting price!). Wut? People buy chromebooks because they're like $200.

    • 6 years ago for the basic one yes. But yes, not sure why they bother with them tbh.fadein11
    • Pixelbooks are not the same as Chromebooks.zarkonite
  • Bennn0

    whats great about Google and the Pixel2, you have exactly the same feature on Pixel2 and Pixel2 XL, you only chose a screen size. Apple put the best feature in their XL and it sucks.

    • iPhone 8 and 8+ I think is the comparison?monospaced
    • I ordered the regular size, it's too bad the earbuds aren't available yet...zarkonite
    • LOLOL. no headphone jack. Also no headphones.monNom
    • That's good for users like myself that want the regular size one, but surely it makes sense to have more in the larger one if there's more space for itset
  • Bennn2

    LOL @ the Apple fanboy downvoting every post in here

  • set4

    • I literally just got an LG G6 today, haha. Happy with it, but this looks great...set
    • it's gorgeouskona
    • Yep looks superb. I just frowned at my old pixelfadein11
    • fuck you! apple used to have the cool stuff. those were the daysGnash
    • Haha yup. Those days are gone...set
    • they shot themselves in the foot with the whole sync thing... photos, music, contacts, etc. it all seems too complicated to just work.zarkonite
    • Nice. They must have cut the 'it's full of cunts' after the 'tell me about Sydney' question.MrT
    • I really like the look of the white/black/orange XLBennn
    • Does this one listen to you, then adjust your advertising profile? Honest question.slappy
    • everything and everyone listen to youBennn
    • All I saw was camera, more camera, better camera, much camera, photos, take photos, many photos, such camera....burnt
    • ^ lol, burntGnash
    • even has a headphone jack! they should have two headphone jacks just to spite applesarahfailin
    • ^oops. does NOT have a headphone jack!!sarahfailin
  • mg330

    I did the math...

    I owe $455 left on my iPhone 7 because of the subscription plan.

    I can get $355 on a trade in of that iPhone for a Pixel.

    • And with a google phone you can own the phone and can tell your cell provider to fuck off any time you want! It gives you leverage when you call to complain...zarkonite
    • I guarantee you won't regret itset
    • it does have a learning curve at first... but the back button is a game changer.zarkonite
    • Just paid off my iPhone 6. Now I'm considering this too. The only downside is that it won't have airplay which I use a lot. Hmmm.monospaced
    • ironically, apple gadgets have high resell value and chromecast is cheap! It might be cheaper to switch than you think.zarkonite
    • what zarkonite saidBennn
    • mono - Ahhh... Airplay... :( I didn't think about that. I have Apple TV's on both tv's in my house.mg33
    • We have the Chromecast Ultra. It OFFERS many good features, but in experience, it's a fucking disaster in comparison to the Apple TV. I WISH it were the same.monospaced
    • Ah really? that's a shame if true... I have very little experience with either..set
    • I think the main difference is on-board storage. Apple TV has some, so it can buffer more streaming video, making the whole experience MUCH smoother.monospaced
    • On the Chromecast, if I rewind even a couple of seconds, it starts the buffer over and sometimes takes 30 seconds to start playing again.monospaced
    • The AppleTV has 32 or 64GB onboard, allowing for Apps and all kinds of great content to be available blazing fast. It's basically an iPhone 7 without a screen.monospaced
    • Anyway, this isn't a bash on Chromecast thread. If I DO go Android, I can always try a Roku or make do with what I've got.monospaced
    • I don't think having a Pixel would make me use my Apple TV any less - it's all we use. I have PS Vue on it for cable and love it.mg33
    • I'm excited to get the 4k version when it comes out because I have a 4k tv in my basement.mg33
    • Starting to install more powerline ethernet adapters so that stuff further away from my wifi router will run faster.mg33
  • Bennn3

    Apple must be so pissed off, Google launching the best camera ever on a cellphone just 2 weeks after Apple HAD the best camera ever on a cellphone! Their reign lasted 2 weeks, trololo

    • hahahaha!oey
    • innovation brah!utopian
    • This is really funny isntBennn
    • what happened where android fanboys have become so obnoxiously smug? Benn spamming the apple thread, and whining about apple in the android thread.inteliboy
    • the day apple isn't "innovating" and isn't alpha dog is the day you won't be going on and on and on about them.inteliboy
    • It's kind of like those Linux fanboys, who gloat.Continuity
    • Apple don't care - their phone is available everywhere. Google release in three territories, and I thought DxO numbers were wild after their OnePlus nonsense?face_melter
    • LOOOLL utopiansureshot
    • SO MAD! right Bennn?monospaced
    • Wait 2 weeks, the iPhones will be topcraigatkinson
    • intelliboy Apple hasn't been alpha dog in a long time. The market is really even, and right now I see more practical innovation coming from Google.zarkonite
  • utopian2

    How many viruses and malware infections does it have already?

    • there's no earphone jack so the viruses can't get inGnash
    • As many as you want, the Play Store is a fantastic playground for Chinese malware and shonky apps.face_melter
  • zarkonite1

    Turns out that even tho there's no headphone jack, they give you a usb-c to 3.5mm adapter with the phone.

    They are really turning Apple's smugness to their advantage.

    • didn't the iPhone also come with an adapter and headphones?monospaced
    • Yeah, you get an adapter. As you do with the Motorola phones. From over a year ago.face_melter
    • then why is everyone complaining about getting adapters?!zarkonite
  • mg33-2

    It's in the cart... I just need to press the button.

    Peer pressure, please.

    • COME ON MAN! COME TO THE OTHER SIDE! YOU CAN DO IT! Seriously, you won't regrte it.Bennn
    • you won't regrte it. But you may regret it.Bennn
    • Kidding, you wont regret. Push that damn BUY button. :)Bennn
    • I reserved mine already. Will receive it Oct 19thBennn
    • You want the normal or XL ?Bennn
    • You have Verizon mg33? How do you like it?

      DO EEEET!
    • I've got AT&T so I guess I need the unlocked one, right?
      And i just want the normal one.
    • I took the normal too. I once have a big phone and totally hated it. Bummer cuz the XL looks super nice.Bennn
    • If you're just a little bit geek, you'll love playing around with all the customisation that Android offers, so much settings! You can do almost everything.Bennn
    • Everyone's favorite pastime is to fiddle with their android phone settings. Who needs a Nintendo when you can wade through settings until the sun sets?monospaced
    • Ok i guess im supergeek then. I like setting up anewphine or computer.Bennn
    • the difference is that almost everytime your android phone doesn't behave the way you'd rather it did you can change it.zarkonite
    • unlike Apple's design ethos which is basically to tell you you're doing it wrong... like changing the way you hold your phone because the antenna is shit.zarkonite
    • lol mono. To be fair it is great being able to customise almost everything on your phone, visual and UX..set
    • Something I use all day every day or really benefits me to have it looking and working exactly how I want it toset
    • settings make me randyfuturefood
    • :) why do you take it so personally, set? ;) But really, I hope you know I'm just playing with Benn here, the android superfanboymonospaced
    • :[-]Bennn
    • I WANT ONE TOO.notype
    • I was laughing with you mono. I found what you posted to be humorous so I said 'lol mono'.. Not taking anything personally... !?set
    • I know! You recently said I took all Apple criticism personally. :)monospaced
    • You totally do ya big fluffy sausage xset
    • Right back at ya.monospaced
    • Bennn is not a fanboy, he's just very enthusiastic about everything.zarkonite
    • lol :PBennn
  • Bennn1

    Just discovered… Wow! This is really cool!