My new product
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- 65 Responses
- e-pill0
do you produce a female colourway version?
or is it so far only that 1 colourway?- Definitely have more colors and designs in development, just need to get the word out more first...adamr415
- awesome-O best of luck!! you should try to get to one of the Home Product Conventions..e-pill
- get a small booth and get some orders out in a bunch of retail chains..e-pill
- contact Bed Bath and Beyond or even Wal-Mart and make some huge profits..e-pill
- imagine getting just 3 skus in one of those huge retail chains.. you can BANK HUGE!!e-pill
- Thanks, definitely on our list of things to do. Glad you like it!adamr415
- also QVC is a great place to sell your products and get a nice buzz out in the public.e-pill
- i am product designer of 14 years, i do like it!!e-pill
- yeah but you are also gay...OSFA
- fuck you osfa!!
Great idea sir. Best of luck in your new venture.
- 4040
props to you and hope you make a million but when i get outta the shower you can eat off my ass its so damn clean.
- sigg0
1) It's pretty gross to use the same towel for more than 2 days
2) Most educated people dry off with the center portion of the towel, and use the corners for their private parts.
3) Using the corners means all other parts of the towel are safe for facial use.
4) A set of nice towels will run you 20 bucks, not one.
5) Nice idea, but this product should be on a late night infomercial for idiots who think they need to spend 19.95 on ONE towel.
- adamr4150
They also make great gifts for college students! We have sold lots at college bookstores.
- moldero0
nice product, i dig it.
- ********0
- sometimes me and my girlfriend we dry ourselves with the same towel at the same time...********
- sometimes me and my girlfriend we dry ourselves with the same towel at the same time...
- JuniorSenior0
- wow, this is disturbing.adamr415
- depends if your head go to the bottomJuniorSenior
The thing is, I bet these are selling.monoblanco
- ********0
- sseo0
- ********0
- 23kon0
ALL my towels already have this purpose.
If a towel has a pattern woven into it then each side of the towel is different. When i'm using my towels for shower/bath for a couple of days running, i'll remember which side I used to dry what then do the same the next day.I just saved everyone $19! with that top tip :P
- breadlegz0
For coverage, have you created a facebook page?
- I have. Would love a LIKE. http://www.facebook.…adamr415