RIP Ryan Dunn
- Started 14 years ago
- Last post 14 years ago
- 128 Responses
- mg330
Zack Hartnell was identified as the passenger and police say Hartnell was just 100 yards away from his house when the accident happened.…
- nb0
I loved CKY when it came out. Not much of a Jackass fan.
Always loved this clip:
- BozMan0
^^^ I saw the very first CKY when it first came out in a Skate Shop down in Ocean City Maryland. A buddy and I sat in the shop and watched the whole thing and immediately bought a copy. R.I.P. Dunn wish you were more responsible.
- moniker0
The guy obviously didn't give a fuck about his own well being.
Frankly it's more shocking to me that most of the Jackass crew are still alive.- +1modernstyle
- kinda of hard to give a fuck about your well being when you're that drunk.
- ETM0
Great editing on the article:…"Zachary Hartwell was identified as the passenger and police say Hartwell was just 100 yards away from his house when the accident happened."
3 paragraphs down:
"Police added that they're awaiting positive identification before releasing the passenger's identity."
- _niko0
who gives a fuck? he made a ton of money acting like an idiot. did nothing for mankind other than endanger kids trying to emulate him.
then he gets drunk, kills himself and his friend.
way to go, give him a nobel or something.- there are people who care too much, people who don't give a fuck, and retards like you who make it known for little to no reason********
- reason... other than sounding like a dick.********
- fuck him and fuck you. a tragedy is the loss of a childs life, not this idiot._niko
- Tell his mother that you fucking dick.Morning_star
- yeah! unless some children die, fuck everyone. Don't even talk to me until some children are dead.Fax_Benson
- why should i feel bad? he did this to himself and killed his friend. It's sad. sad for his family, I don't feel sad for him._niko
- you give enough of a fuck to write that you don't give a fuck (and neither should others unless kids are involved)locustsloth
- you can think whatever you like retard, why say it though? you sound like a dick.********
- He gets drunk, jumps in his gt3, goes way too fast, kills himself and his friend and i'm the dick?_niko
- why should i feel sorry for him? I feel sorry for Zachary Hartwell and both their families._niko
- i agree with you to a certain extent but you sound like a complete cunt, the guy has friends and a family...********
- i don't understand what you gain by speaking so brashly about it...********
- fair enough, didn't mean to come off as a dick, not disrespecting firends of family_niko
- just commenting on the fact that he was irresponsible and it cost him his life and that of his friend's._niko
- Fair.********
- LOL fax. that comment cracked me up.********
- there are people who care too much, people who don't give a fuck, and retards like you who make it known for little to no reason
- ********0
blame children. haha
- tymeframe0
Headline to the article above:
West Chester Mourns 'Jackass' Star DunnIn the Comments:
Kyle Stranz 12:08 am
Ass holes how could you say he is a mourn every makes some bad decisons r.i.p ryan dunn- real? hahah. What a mourn.Fax_Benson
- LOLRamanisky2
- nfw... lol...********
- hahaha********
- bliznutty0
- what a bizarre tributefadein11
- well, what did you expect from a guy that got famous by puttin a toy car up his rectum? hahahaMiguex
- he was the nicer of the bunch., no?********
- that scene at the end where he pulls down his underwear always makes me laugh.mg33
- he belches and says something like "dude there are no fuckin' girls out there" to the guy next to him.mg33
- PonyBoy0
I'm surprised it took this long for a member of that crew to get killed... ... it sucks - but we all knew it was coming for one of them soon enough...
Stunt or no stunt - these guy's are assholes when it comes to the well-being of themselves and those around them.
- mg330
OK - so anyone else curious about the tire tracks next to his, over to the left? they look just as fresh and seem to stop just past where the crash started. Totally speculating here, but wonder if he was racing someone?
- either that or a bystander (by-driver?) who stopped short cause he saw it and was scared or wanted to helplocustsloth
- good point.mg33
- I think the car probably started to go sideways. that would lead to more than two skids.WrappedInBooks
- need to run the CSI Enhance filter on that photofooler
- racing probsinstrmntl
- ToxicDesign0
He was driving a Porsche GT, all the innards are stripped, you touch the gas and you're flying... not a good mix for when you're drunk or just dropped your joint in your lap.
- all teh innards are stripped?74LEO
- Yeah like all the interior luxuries, makes it go faster init?ToxicDesign
- mtgentry0
Are off-ramps frequently that tight in the rest of the country? It veers right very hard.
- that's actually pretty tame********
- I think, judging by the skid, he was going to fast for any turn hard or tame.zenmasterfoo
- that's actually pretty tame
- ********0
- GeorgesII0
- since when do brake calipers spin with the wheel?********
- when you're high. you are. right now.mg33
- Everything else—100% accurate.melq
- except that his car was black.mg33
- correct me if I'm wrong but rainbows don't come out from cars like thatMiguex
- and it was a GT3 not GTRS, besides that, the rainbows and the calibers everything seems legitfooler
- since when do brake calipers spin with the wheel?
- mg330
Ryan Dunn Funeral Service to be Picketed by Westboro Baptist Church (WBC)
You just can’t write this stuff. A day after the death of Jackass star Ryan Dunn, the Westboro Baptist Church announced via this news release, that they will picket his funeral. The reason for the protest, per the advertisement, is to warn all “not to make a mock of sin, & to fear & obey God!”
Per Wikipedia, The Westboro Baptist Church, also known as WBC, is an independent Baptist church known for its extreme stance against homosexuality and its protest activities, which include picketing funerals and desecrating the American flag. The church is widely described as a hate group and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center.
The WBC’s objection to Dunn was that he was a “drab pervert who hawked porn-level filth to get rich from a perverse generation.” They call specific attention to the Jackass stunt of when Dunn put a toy car in his rectum and then went to get X-rays at the hospital.
I can only imagine the entertainment value of the WBC clashing with the crew from Jackass at a highly emotional event. If I had to guess, I would say that some people will be leaving said event with more than toy cars shoved in their rectums.
- if they do this god help them. it's going to get ugly. the jackass gang ain't gonna stand for it.sigg
- Ohhhh the jack ass gang! Scary!
A bunch of loosers that do stunts that any 10 year old can do!Maury_Ballstein - yeah his funeral live feed is already running commercials for pay per view, it's expected to get more attention than ufcMiguex
- wow the WBC are total fucking retards.. how can you protest someone who is already dead?bliznutty
- WBC tried this at a fueneral for a soldier here in my town. So many locals showed up they left.ZOOP
- Jaline0
Not surprising.
Feel bad for his family though.