SEO cost - UK

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  • Nightshade

    How much is usual to charge for SEO work in the UK? And how to charge for this kind of work? Is it better to charge for time or performance-related?

    I've got my client to page 1 position 7 with minimal site optimisation and am suggesting a further pack of optimisations to higher ranking. Am thinking of charging my time to make these changes (around 2 days) and a bonus scheme of say £100 per position for position 4 and above.

  • 23kon0

    Pfft! How long is a piece of string!

    I wouldn't charge per position in google as you could work every hour of every day and never gain a position if the competition is strong.

    You should charge for your time. Not performance.
    Make sure that the client knows what they get for your time though by breaking down what you've done so they understand.
    If they want to get even better positions etc then that'll mean paying you for more time to do more SEO.

    • You couldn't guarantee anything above 7th. You could come in one day and be 10th or 3rd, entirely up to google.mikotondria3