Israel bombing shit..

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  • georgesIII3

    not mine, but I thought it was interesting,


    There was a massacre in Jerusalem on Tuesday in which five Israelis were killed. There was a war in Gaza over the summer in which 2,200 Palestinians were killed, most of them civilians. A massacre shocks us; a war, less so. Massacres have culprits; wars don’t. Murder by ax is more appalling than murder by rifle, and far more horrendous than bombing helpless people trying to take shelter.
    Terror is always Palestinian, even when hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed. The name and face of Daniel Tragerman, the Israeli boy killed by mortar fire during Operation Protective Edge, were known throughout the world; even U.S. President Barack Obama knew his name. Can anyone name one child from Gaza among the hundreds killed?
    A few hours after the attack in Jerusalem, journalist Emily Amrousi said at a conference in Eilat that the life of a single Jewish child was more important to her than the lives of thousands of Palestinian children. The audience’s response was clearly favorable; I think there was even some applause.
    Afterward Amrousi tried to explain that she was referring to the way the Israeli media should cover events, which is only slightly less serious. This was during a discussion on the ridiculous question: “Is the Israeli media leftist?” Almost no one protested Amrousi’s remarks and the session continued as if nothing had happened. Amrousi’s words reflect Israel’s mood in 2014: Only Jewish blood elicits shock.
    Israeli deaths touch Israeli hearts more than the deaths of others. That’s natural human solidarity. The bloody images from Jerusalem stunned every Israeli, probably every person.
    But this is a society that sanctifies its dead to the point of death-worship, that wears thin the stories of the victims’ lives and deaths, whether it be in a synagogue attack or a Nepal avalanche. It’s a society preoccupied with endless commemorations in the land of monuments, services and anniversary ceremonies; a society that demands shock and condemnation after every attack, when it blames the entire world.
    Precisely from such a society is one permitted to demand some attention to the Palestinian blood that is also spilled in vain; some understanding of the other side’s pain, or even a measure of empathy, which in Israel is considered treason.
    But this doesn’t happen. Aside from exceptional murders and hate crimes by individuals, there is total apathy — and the obtuseness is frightening. Killings (we dare not say murders) by soldiers and policemen will never shock Israel. The propaganda machine will whitewash everything, and the media will be its mouthpiece. No one will demand condemnations. No one will express shock. Few will even consider that the pain is the same pain, that murder is murder.
    How many Israelis are willing to give a thought to the parents of Yousef Shawamreh, the boy who went out to pick wild greens and was killed by an army sniper? Why is it exaggerating to be upset by, or at least give some attention to, the killing of Khalil Anati, a 10-year-old boy from the Al-Fawar refugee camp?
    Why can’t we identify with the pain of bereaved father Abd al-Wahab Hammad, whose son was killed in Silwad, or with the Al-Qatari family from the Al-Amari refugee camp, two members of which were killed by soldiers within a month? Why do we reserve our horror for the synagogue and not consider these killings disturbing?
    Yes, there is the test of intent. The typical Israeli argument is that soldiers, unlike terrorists, do not intend to kill. If so, then what exactly is the intent of the sniper who fires live bullets at the head or chest of a demonstrator a distance away who poses no threat? Or when he shoots a child in the back as he’s running for his life? Didn’t he intend to kill him?
    The attack in Jerusalem was a horrendous crime; nothing can justify it. But the blood that flowed there is not the only blood being spilled here murderously. The degree to which it is forbidden to say that is incredible.

  • renderedred0

    This is a very good text. Source?
    There is no "left" here in Israel, there's only right and far right. All the media is state run. Israel is a militant-theocracy living the hyper-capitalist/neo-con vision. There are a few organizations here that try to balance things, like B'Tselem or ICAHD but for every organization like that there are dozens of militant right wing nationalist movements. So, basically, as legitimate the questions in the text are, there's nobody here that will give you a logical, humane or even any normal answer. That is the overwhelming majority. Privately, I personally know and have a few friends that would agree with what is written, BTW on both sides, lots of my Palestinian friends are more aware of the state terror than my Jewish friends. Blame it on education, media, propaganda or whatever. It is clear to me for some time now and more than a few people do agree with me that we are all victims here, the simple people. Both Israeli and Palestinian political leadership are corrupt and they just want the conflict to continue. It's all about the money in the end. What happened this summer in Gaza was a one on one demonstration of anti-rocket technology. What's happening right now is just another smoke screen so they can pass another law or whatever they do without the public paying attention. And, yes, people are dying. Nobody gives a fuck about that. The machine is working, money is being made. That's all that matters.

    • ooh I copied it from a reddit thread,
      I just thought it was quite well written without the usual bias
  • Pupsipu0

    Jewish blood counts because the goal of Israel is to breed Jews, preferably white Jews, to undo the damage of the holocaust. If not for the Holocaust there could have been 30-40 million Jews now, assuming 2.5 kids per family.

    They don't care about how many Palestinians they kill because they breed faster than secular Jews anyway, who are the majority in Israel. And Israel does not want Palestinians around in such numbers. They want the land for Jews. Their far right is itching to commit genocide or send them to desert equivalent of Siberia.

    The Jewish religion is racist, this is not a secret.

    The liberal extreme is to let whatever accidental circumstances cause a people to breed faster during a certain period to replace the people that breed slower. Natural selection vs artificial selection of racism. They're both extremes. After all, the developed world of Europe and USA doesn't open the floodgates and invite everyone in. The local populations would be overwhelmed, you might as well rename the countries.

    • Your wording implies Jews are owed more of a chance of something. Nope. Holocaust does not give you that.cannonball1978
  • i_monk0

    France to recognise Palestine if talks fail…

  • georgesIII4

    like they care..

    UN vote urges Israel to renounce nuclear arms…

    "US representative Robert Wood, in voting against the resolution at
    the committee-level last month, said the measure "fails to meet the
    fundamental tests of fairness and balance. It confines itself to
    expressions of concern about the activities of a single country."

  • georgesIII4

    yeah, let's steal some more lands…

    SOME people are never grateful. On August 31st Israel’s government made its largest appropriation of occupied West Bank land in a generation. It took some 1,000 acres of virgin hills for a proposed new city, Givaot, doubling the population of the Gush Etzion block of settlements sprawling on the hills around Bethlehem.

  • imagineallthepeople-2

    "Half a year after devastating hostilities, life in the region seems worse than ever. Thousands remain displaced, internal violence is increasing – and Hamas is preparing for battle..."…

  • GeorgesII3

    — Children younger than 16 made up one-third of the total: 280 killed, including 19 babies and 108 preschoolers between the ages of 1 and 5.

    — In 83 strikes, three or more members of one family died.

    — Among those killed were 96 confirmed or suspected militants — or just over 11 percent of the total — though the actual number could be higher since armed groups have not released detailed casualty lists.

    — The remainder of the 240 dead were males between the ages of 16 and 59 whose names did not appear in connection with militant groups on searches of websites or on street posters honoring fighters.…

  • imagineallthepeople-4

    "Let me guess...
    You are an Israelite
    and or a Israel
    - organicgrid

    michael. you awful retard.

    review the thread if you don't recall my position. review your own posts too, you've provided some mindblowing gems last summer.

  • organicgrid3

    I thoroughly enjoy reading this nonsensical gibberish.

  • imagineallthepeople-4


  • oey0

    who the fuck is michael?

  • imagineallthepeople-4

    "Desperation Drives Gazans Over a Fence and Into Israeli Prisons"…

  • moldero5

  • imagineallthepeople-5

    "US jury finds Palestinian groups liable for terror attacks

    ... The case in Manhattan and another in Brooklyn have been viewed as the most notable attempts by American victims of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to use U.S. courts to seek damages that could reach into the billions of dollars ... The Palestinian Authority, which had argued that the attackers acted on their own, said it would appeal ...Palestinian officials have been anxiously watching the case. The verdict could hamper their campaign for international recognition of their independence in the absence of a peace deal with Israel, and the damages could be a financial blow to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority, which administers parts of the West Bank..."…

  • imagineallthepeople-3

    "israelis torturing non-jewish children"

    the guy who uploaded the video mislabelled the documentary. to be fair, it should have been titled "palestinian minors claim to have been physically abused in israeli detention", if you have to reduce the documentary to that aspect.

    the israeli girl who is shown in the video, the one who was left with brain damage after being thrown at with rocks by palestinian children, she is dead now by the way. she died a couple of days ago from complications of her vegetative state.

    • I could fill this post of blown palestinian kids, it's fucked up to pretend to care about kids only when they're from your ethnicityGeorgesII
  • organicgrid3

    Leaks contradict Israel's claim Iran was close to bomb…

  • uan0

  • maquito2

    @imagineallthepeople Big question,: did you create an account specifically to post as an anonymous Jewish sympathizer, or are you openly Jewish sympathizer?

    In other words, are you a random anonymous guy like so many others, who prefer not to post their names, countries, towns, nor their works or e-mails... or is it that presenting yourself as a such opinionated, stubborn member of a community -just to use just a single post of the whole community- being a Jewish sympathizer makes you feel a little shame?

    • *by "post" I meant thread.maquito
    • throw that troll down a wellLMFAO
  • imagineallthepeople-3


    even if I find it strange that you make it about me, I will lay it out for you.

    "did you create an account specifically to post as an anonymous Jewish sympathizer"

    no I didn't.


    "or are you openly Jewish sympathizer?"

    I'm not jewish, I think I am agnostic, maybe a theist. but I think I know what you mean.

    I am an 'openly jewish sympathizer' in the sense that I do sympathize with israelis and with jews. apart from that I symphatize with muslims, christians, atheists, humanists, israelis, palestinians... basically every human being is ok with me. all gods children. I like turtles as well.

    even racists, anti-semites, conspiracy nuts are fine with me - only sometimes I feel the need to weigh in with my take.

    in this case, this specific thread, it was so extremely one-sided and ignorant, that I wanted to provide the other perspective. mainly for the sake of the open-minded people. I guess I'm finished with debating these days, but I think I will continue to post stuff that I find interesting or that provides a more balanced take on the israel/palestine situation.


    "are you a random anonymous guy like so many others, who prefer not to post their names, countries, towns, nor their works or e-mails"

    yes I am. it's beyond me why anyone would post personal information online, especially on open forums.


    "or is it that presenting yourself as a such opinionated, stubborn member of a community"

    I don't see how I am presenting myself as stubborn, but that is sujective of course. to me, I am reasonable, honest and just.


    " ... being a Jewish sympathizer makes you feel a little shame?"

    definetely not.


    now one question for you maquito.

    how do you attribute the israel/palestine conflict to "jews", when jewish folks are an extremely diversified group of people, many of them far removed from the conflict, in europe, the americas, asia, even iran, how do you do that?

    • Don't take it "about you". It was only a reasonable doubt. Could be about anything else.maquito