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  • utopian0

    • yupmoldero
    • fucking idiots focusing on Earth when it's a spec of dust in the big scheme of thingsmonospaced
  • sarahfailin0

  • sarahfailin0…

    NASA: We will find aliens within 20 years

    "What we didn't know five years ago is that perhaps 10 to 20 percent of stars around us have Earth-size planets in the habitable zone. It's within our grasp to pull off a discovery that will change the world forever,” said Matt Mountain, director and Webb telescope scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.

  • Morning_star0

    The trouble with science is obviously the scientists ;)

    I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious feelings of anyone. – Darwin (writing in Origin of Species), 1859

    "There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will." – Albert Einstein, 1932

    The so-called theories of Einstein are merely the ravings of a mind polluted with liberal, democratic nonsense which is utterly unacceptable to German men of science. – Dr. Walter Gross, 1940

    “The earth’s crust does not move”- 19th through early 20th century accepted geological science

    “Rail travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia.” – Dr. Dionysius Lardner, 1830

    “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” – Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

    “That virus is a pussycat.” — Dr. Peter Duesberg, molecular-biology professor at U.C. Berkeley, on HIV

    “Stomach ulcers are caused by stress” — accepted medical diagnosis, until Dr. Marshall proved that H. pylori caused gastric inflammation by deliberately infecting himself with the bacterium.

    “X-rays will prove to be a hoax.” – Lord Kelvin, President of the Royal Society, 1883

    “Everyone acquainted with the subject will recognize it as a conspicuous failure.” – -Henry Morton, president of the Stevens Institute of Technology, on Edison’s light bulb, 1880

    “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.” – -Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), in a talk given to a 1977 World Future Society meeting in Boston

    “Louis Pasteur’s theory of germs is ridiculous fiction.” — Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872.

    ‘The abdomen, the chest and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon.’ – Sir John Eric Ericson, Surgeon to Queen Victoria, 1873

    “If excessive smoking actually plays a role in the production of lung cancer, it seems to be a minor one.” – -W.C. Heuper, National Cancer Institute, 1954

    “Space travel is bunk.” - Sir Harold Spencer Jones, Astronomer Royal of the UK, 1957 (two weeks later Sputnik orbited the Earth).

    “There will never be a bigger plane built.” – - A Boeing engineer, after the first flight of the 247, a twin engine plane that holds ten people

    “When the Paris Exhibition [of 1878] closes, electric light will close with it and no more will be heard of it.” – Oxford professor Erasmus Wilson

    A rocket will never be able to leave the Earth’s atmosphere.” - New York Times, 1936

    To place a man in a multi-stage rocket and project him into the controlling gravitational field of the moon where the passengers can make scientific observations, perhaps land alive, and then return to earth—all that constitutes a wild dream worthy of Jules Verne. I am bold enough to say that such a man-made voyage will never occur regardless of all future advances. - Lee De Forest, American radio pioneer and inventor of the vacuum tube, in 1957

    We can close the books on infectious diseases. - Surgeon General of the United States William H. Stewart, 1969

    There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now; All that remains is more and more precise measurement - Lord Kelvin, allegedly speaking to the w:British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1900

    • max plank, said something, like new ideas in science only take effect when old scientists die.yurimon
    • new ideas in religion never happen because they don't ever changemonospaced
    • It's not a competition Mono. We ALL know the shortcomings of religion. But the transfer of ones belief to science and the idea that it will provide all the answers is horse shit. It's dogma is abundantly apparent. And that's just in this thread.Morning_star
    • that it will provide all the answers is horse shit. It's dogma is abundantly apparent. And that's just in this thread.Morning_star
    • haha, yet all the examples here are of science finding answers to things people thought impossiblemonospaced
    • so, it gives me a huge reason to 'believe' it will continue to do so... and why not? it's never failed to find solutionsmonospaced
    • Absolutely correct.Morning_star
    • science has never purported to provide all the answers. religion does. all these quotes are subjective opinion with no backing facts.doesnotexist
    • facts backing them. science is one thing and humans use it, they are not incoherently combined and inseparable.doesnotexist
  • monospaced0

    ^ and yet, despite all the top scientific minds having some doubts once in awhile, after major breakthroughs, religion came in and made all this progress happen. Yeah fuckin' right. Fuck all if you think you can discredit scientific progress just because they doubted themselves once in awhile.

    • I'm not trying to discredit science, it does it very well without my help. Science has corporate paymasters now with agendas and targets. The reality of truly independent research is becoming a thing of the past.Morning_star
    • and targets. The reality of truly independent research is becoming a thing of the past.Morning_star
    • holy shit you almost sound like a paranoid conspiracy theoristmonospaced
    • And you sound nothing like one of the obedient flock unquestioningly worshiping at the altar of Scientism.Morning_star
  • utopian0

    Earth survived near-miss from 2012 solar storm: NASA

    Washington (AFP) - Back in 2012, the Sun erupted with a powerful solar storm that just missed the Earth but was big enough to "knock modern civilization back to the 18th century," NASA said.

    The extreme space weather that tore through Earth's orbit on July 23, 2012, was the most powerful in 150 years, according to a statement posted on the US space agency website Wednesday.

    However, few Earthlings had any idea what was going on.

    "If the eruption had occurred only one week earlier, Earth would have been in the line of fire," said Daniel Baker, professor of atmospheric and space physics at the University of Colorado.

    Instead the storm cloud hit the STEREO-A spacecraft, a solar observatory that is "almost ideally equipped to measure the parameters of such an event," NASA said.

    Scientists have analyzed the treasure trove of data it collected and concluded that it would have been comparable to the largest known space storm in 1859, known as the Carrington event.

    It also would have been twice as bad as the 1989 solar storm that knocked out power across Quebec, scientists said.

    "I have come away from our recent studies more convinced than ever that Earth and its inhabitants were incredibly fortunate that the 2012 eruption happened when it did," said Baker.

    The National Academy of Sciences has said the economic impact of a storm like the one in 1859 could cost the modern economy more than two trillion dollars and cause damage that might take years to repair.

  • Morning_star0

    ^ Your constant assertion that science and religion are different sides of the same coin is fundamentally wrong. They are NOT interchangeable or comparable. For Instance, to claim that, 'Religion is the reason for violence and oppression' can be replaced by 'Science is the solution for violence and oppression' is illogical and lacking critical thinking. Science by definition can be proved wrong because results are testable and the passage of time allows for review, progression and discovery. The answer to religions failings is not science.

    • JESUS
    • I am and this was in reply to Monos post.Morning_star
    • Roots of science come from religion. Astrology = cosmology, alchemy=chemistry, vedic texts= quantum physicsyurimon
    • The roots of all of religions failings will be in science, because religions are archaic and science IS progressmonospaced
    • ANYWAY, the reason they're not comparable is because religion is a BELIEF system and science is not. Thank you.monospaced
    • you actually proved my point for me and the entire threadmonospaced
    • If it makes you feel better believing I've proved your point then so be it. However, in reality I have done no such thing.Morning_star
    • The reason they are not comparable is nothing to do with belief. Belief is an inherent part of both religion and science but as you won't engage in discussion about this then you'll never know why you're so wrong.Morning_star
    • as you won't engage in discussion about this then you'll never know why you're so wrong.Morning_star
  • cannonball19780

    ^^ "Science by definition can be proved wrong because results are testable and the passage of time allows for review, progression and discovery."

    I think you mean scientific results, not science itself.

  • sarahfailin0

    Sir Karl Raimund Popper CH FBA FRS[4] (28 July 1902 – 17 September 1994) was an Austrian-British[5] philosopher and professor at the London School of Economics.[6] He is generally regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th century.[7][8] Popper is known for his rejection of the classical inductivist views on the scientific method, in favour of empirical falsification: A theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be falsified, meaning that it can and should be scrutinized by decisive experiments. If the outcome of an experiment contradicts the theory, one should refrain from ad hoc manoeuvres that evade the contradiction merely by making it less falsifiable. Popper is also known for his opposition to the classical justificationist account of knowledge which he replaced with critical rationalism, "the first non justificational philosophy of criticism in the history of philosophy".[9] In political discourse, he is known for his vigorous defence of liberal democracy and the principles of social criticism that he came to believe made a flourishing "open society" possible. His political philosophy embraces ideas from all major democratic political ideologies and attempts to reconcile them: social democracy, classical liberalism and conservatism, more explicitly so in his later years.[10]

  • son0

    Diamond Window

    Beyond his work on the bomb, Quarterman worked with fluoride solutions to create new chemical compounds and new molecules. He was skilled at purifying hydrogen fluoride, a highly corrosive gas. In 1967 he developed a corrosive resistant “window” made of diamonds in order to better study hydrogen fluoride. His innovation was called the “diamond window.” He also created a xenon compound which surprised the world of chemistry because it was believed that xenon was an “inert” gas and supposedly could not be combined with other atoms. At the time of his death, in 1982, Quarterman had initiated work on a project to develop “synthetic blood” but encountered ethical and political opposition to his research.

  • yurimon0

    • "bla bla...psychic my book"ukit2
    • Do you know anything about the reasearch that this man does? Have you read any of the peer reviewed papers his labs produce? or is your faith in a reductionist/materia... universe absolute.Morning_star
    • produce? or is your faith in a reductionist/materia... universe absolute.Morning_star
    • that should read 'reductionist/materi...Morning_star
    • Pseudoscience!utopian
  • doesnotexist0

    not believing in facts doesn't make any fact false. anything that answers a rational argument with, "i was told in a vision..." is not proof of anything. science is not a belief system, religion is.

    • needs everyone to agree on facts.. you mean theories when you say facts...yurimon
    • what if you had a vision that helped you avoid a situation?yurimon
    • everyone does not need to agree on a fact being true for it to be true.doesnotexist
    • look up: coincidence, delusiondoesnotexist
  • moldero0

    The trouble with religion is obviously the scientists.

  • ukit20

    @ Morningstar,

    Not sure how you can claim to have a skeptical attitude towards mainstream science while simultaneously buying into this stuff. A guy who is head of the "Parapsychological Association" and believes in telepathy and psychic powers.

    Like his friend Deepak Chopra, it seems like he takes legitimate scientific concepts and mixes them up with new age spirituality. A great way to sell books, but if there was any real application to his theories it would have been apparent a long time ago.

  • Morning_star0

    For a start don't compare Dean Radin with Deepak Chopra. Chopra is a gobby rent-a-quote who damages his cause every time he opens his mouth.
    Dean Radins work is, in my opinion, truly scientific. Whilst he may be exploring concepts and theories that are not mainstream he is honest, follows scientific protocol, published papers in peer reviewed scientific journals. He is about as far from Chopra as you could possibly get.
    Check out his work with The Global Consciousness Project, Action at a distance etc. I'll challenge you to find fault with his conclusions.
    This is worth a read.…
    "A great way to sell books, but if there was any real application to his theories it would have been apparent a long time ago." - Why? Can you tell me what a real application of the discovery of the Higgs Boson would be?

  • ukit20

    The difference is that science can measure the Higgs and there is a solid theory for how it fits in with the rest of physics.

    Yes you can run an experiment and claim that statistical anomalies are "evidence" of psychic powers but it should be obvious why this is bullshit. You are assigning a ridiculous explanation to something that could have any number of causes, like the experiment being flawed.…

    If psychic powers are real it shouldn't require poring through statistics. Just demonstrate someone accurately predicting the future or communicating telepathically, video tape it and upload to YouTube. Shouldn't be that hard right? And yet no one has done it despite supposedly studying this stuff for decades.

    • Its usually typical of people who dont have any experiences.yurimon
  • Morning_star0

    'it should be obvious why this is bullshit' - you're gonna have to do better than that. The link i provided in the quote claims (through independent analysis) that by the standards that exist in science at the moment ESP, Remote Viewing, Survival of Consciousness is proven. The results are statistically significant and are repeatable. Sorry, but your cry of 'Bullshit' needs some evidence in the context of Radins results.

    The 'Proving photography to a blind man' article whilst interesting is not comparable. A more appropriate comparison for the effects of ESP would be Dark Matter/Energy. Scientists claim it's existence yet surely (using your process) they should just be able to give me a bit in a test tube or at least show me a picture of it, or if absolutely necessary, they should get one of their whizzy machines to detect it. Sadly they can do none of that. So is Dark Matter/Energy bullshit?

    It always surprises me that people don't question the results of the HRC, the discovery of the Higgs Boson, when the majority of the work done at CERN is as you've said 'poring through statistics' to produce a probability. No one's ever seen the Higgs, there is no material evidence for it, just it's assumed effects manifesting themselves in a probability.

    True science follows the evidence WHEREVER it leads. If there is evidence for paranormal effects then I don't understand why this should this be such a taboo.

    • HRC should read LHC. Not even sure what HRC is. (Doh)Morning_star
    • Problem is when they cant find a number to an equation they make it up and call it dark matter.yurimon
    • I question the process of measuring. they measure not whole but the breaking of an atom. you get missing infoyurimon
    • But the numbers are there and indicate it exists. You don't have to see inside the jar to know its full of liquid.monospaced
    • Exactly the same with ESP.Morning_star
    • no, not really, because blindly claiming something is not exactly the same as evidence pointing toward itmonospaced
    • now I know you think they're not blind claims, but that's a difference of opinion.monospaced
    • How is that 'opinion'. There have been accounts of unexplainable mind phenomenon for 1000s of years. There is now emerging evidence suggesting that the effect is real. Your going to have to explain why it's a difference of 'opinion' because as far as i can see it isn't.Morning_star
    • evidence suggesting that the effect is real. Your going to have to explain why it's a difference of 'opinion' because as far as i can see it isn't.Morning_star
    • it isn't.Morning_star
    • Because all real tests have proven these "accounts" as total bullshit. Nobody can do it when asked in a controlled environmentmonospaced
    • And all evidence that appears to support it is explainable some other way.monospaced
    • so, it's your opinion that it's legit, and mine that it's total bullshit because it hasn't passed a real scientific testmonospaced
    • Again, you're wrong https://www.ics.uci.…Morning_star
  • monospaced0

    Sorry but every and all real tests on psychic powers or esp have proven it to be a hoax. Not one person has ever performed well during a real test. Ever. $1M prize still waiting.

    • Its easy to dismiss if you have no experience of this in your personal lifeyurimon
    • yes, incredibly, so easy it's laughable... if it were real it would be pretty importantmonospaced
    • especially in the scientific communitymonospaced
    • not entirely truedoesnotexist
  • Morning_star0

    You're wrong mono.

    "Professor Jessica Utts, a statistician from the University of California, discovered that remote viewers were correct 34 per cent of the time, a figure way beyond what chance guessing would allow.

    She says: "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, you have to conclude that certain psychic phenomena, such as remote viewing, have been well established."

    • He's wrong because one person agreed?ukit2
    • One person disagreed? No. They didn't disagree, wrote a scientific paper, analysed data and came to the conclusion that using the current scientific standards paranormal phenomenon is proven. It's a little more than 'opinion'.Morning_star
    • current scientific standards paranormal phenomenon is proven. It's a little more than 'opinion'.Morning_star
  • Morning_star0

    as for Randi:
    "Randi is probably best known for his infamous million-dollar challenge to "any person or persons who can demonstrate any psychic, supernatural or paranormal ability of any kind" under what Randi refers to as "satisfactory observing conditions."

    Ray Hyman, a leading Fellow of CSICOP, has pointed out that Randi's challenge is illegitimate from a scientific standpoint. "Scientists don't settle issues with a single test ... Proof in science happens through replication." If Randi's challenge was legitimate, he would set up a double-blind experiment which he himself wouldn't judge. But considering his hostility toward scientists receptive to paranormal phenomena, this doesn't seem likely. His "challenge" is rigged, yet he can crow that his prize goes unclaimed because paranormal phenomena simply does not exist."


    • You miss the very point of his challenge. I'm sure he'd love to go full Science if he ever had to fork out his prizedetritus
    • My point exactly. We're talking about science and scientists here not Mystic Meg.Morning_star