wordpress newsletter using pdf template...

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  • wwfc

    sorry for the long winded title!!!

    does anyone know of a wordpress plugin that allows for a pdf to be used as it's template?

    I have a pdf flyer that although the content for the subject stays the same - the dates need updating as and when...

    is there anything out there that would do it this... tried googling but I seem to get a little bit of this - or a little bit of that... not an all in one plugin...

    any wp heads on here?

  • fadein110

    Why would you use a PDF as email template?
    Juse code up a template in HTML based on the PDF then use something like Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor to send. Your client or you will be able to edit the template before sending and get excellent analytics afterwards.
    Or just send out an email with a link to the PDF each time its updated.
    Sorry if I have misunderstood but don't get why you would do it like that?