
  • nb

    Photo labs questine

    Where do you print your photos? Looking for high quality. Canada preferred but not required. Occaisional enlargements, but I'm als…

    Jan 3, 134 replies
  • benfal99

    Android noob questine

    Haï ! Android 4.2 on Nexus7
    How CAN i add more pages for the apps?? You know on the desktop

    Dec 29, 124 replies
  • moldero

    AE Expressions Questine

    I hope this makes sense:
    i got this:
    thisComp.layer("S... Keys")("Output 1")

    "Output 1" are values from 1-100

    Dec 7, 123 replies
  • youngdesigner

    html questine

    Is it possible to style dropdown forms in HTML with custom colors/ images? Please help, thanks

    Nov 9, 1210 replies
  • GeorgesII

    PHP Questine

    what is wrong with this like,
    I get an error, but I don't see my mistake?…

    Oct 16, 1212 replies
  • dragonfruit

    Anime Questine

    Anyone remember a crazy Anime with naked chicks painting with their breasts?


    Jul 6, 128 replies
  • nb

    Simple password questine

    I'm trying to get make a page that has a simple password protection. My original plan was to use cpanel, but then I need a login/p…

    Jun 6, 123 replies
  • qoob

    CSS questine - percentage widths

    How many decimal places can I use when specifying percentage based widths?

    For instance, will a browser know how to interpret …

    May 1, 121 replies
  • Continuity

    WebGL questine

    So I've got a large-format banner job to do, promoting a microsite on which there's a transparent glass-like plane.

    My idea is…

    Mar 6, 126 replies
  • qoob

    questine about WordPress

    Hi QBN,

    How can I write the code in WordPress so that it adds the name of the nav item as an ID?

    For example,

    <li id="home">Home<li>

    Feb 16, 126 replies
  • Beeswax

    Wordpress Questine

    Man I asked this question everywhere but here. I'll give it a chance since no one knows the answer.

    So, I've placed the following line inside the loop, to display a link to each post's comments.

    <a href="<?php comments_link(); ?>"><?php comments_number…

    Jan 27, 129 replies
  • moldero

    quick Adobe Premiere questine

    I use this program a lot (i guess) but never came across this situation as surprising as it seems to me. dealing with a lot of sho…

    Dec 29, 113 replies
  • Beeswax

    WP Questine

    I want to be able to display images from image links just like in here.
    Is there a specific name for this technique that I have t…

    Nov 18, 115 replies
  • Continuity

    3GS/iOS5 questine

    Right, so I'd like to upgrade my (JBed/unlocked) 3GS to iOS5. Just checked the firmware, and it's baseband 04.26.08 ... will upgra…

    Nov 16, 112 replies
  • nb

    jquery image slider questine

    After much googling, and searching through old threads on QBN, I'm still not finding a jquery image gallery (slider) that meets my…

    Sep 19, 117 replies
  • Continuity

    Fancybox questine

    Any of you ever use Fancybox? I'm trying to make it work on a site I'm doing, but every time I click the link to trigger it, it just loads the linked page in the same browser window, as opposed to an iFrame on an overlay, with the page from which it was spawned underneath. It's driving me nuts.

    Head content:
    <!-- Begin Fancybox includes -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/fancybox/jquery.fancy…

    Sep 13, 114 replies
  • nb

    Wordpress Questine!

    Hey friends,

    A friend asked me to move his wordpress site from the directory that he created, into the root directory of his si…

    Sep 1, 1116 replies
  • nb

    Questine about PDF signing

    A few of my clients send contracts for everything, including the smallest bit of work. It's great, except signing them and returni…

    Aug 3, 118 replies
  • meffid

    AV Questine

    Trying to put an album over a film replacing the sound of the film with an album then export.

    FC Pro is the answer to my questi…

    Jul 17, 119 replies
  • benfal99

    Domain name questine

    A domain name I want is expired since july 11th and the guy who own it have'nt renewd his suscribtion to keep it yet... When I try…

    Jul 14, 118 replies