- autoflavour
Lady gaga at Berghain..…
Live right now..
- autoflavour
2011 Macbook pro issue
my laptop succumb to this.
i live in vein hope they will do a recall.i doubt it though.. knowing apple
- autoflavour
Bachmann crazy
so.. we all know Michelle Bachmann is a special brand of crazy sauce, the kind you have to ask at the counter for because it has t…
- autoflavour
5D MK III Magic Lantern
I havent been paying attention, but clearly I should have been..
when did my 5D become a RAW video 3.5K behemoth
so stoked…
- autoflavour
Early 2011 Macbook pro
anyway.. if you have one, be aware that their AMD graphics cards die.
mine is just over 2 years old and its cactus.
no apple …
- autoflavour
Australian internet filter
In case you were thinking of voting for Tony Abbott, please keep in mind this little bit of draconian information..
- autoflavour
GeorgesIV vs albums
bromance or something much more?
- autoflavour
so if RT is to be believed, its game over pretty soon.
- autoflavour
naked lady gaga in video
singing long single notes..
this video is strange, but also very cool.
- autoflavour
Orange is the new black.
Best line so far, in reference to menstrual cycle..
"communists invading your funbox"
- autoflavour
i always thought my google tasted of pork
love the results when i searched naked women
- autoflavour
QBN Password reset broken
Dear QBN Moderator/Coder/B...
The Forgot Password feature on QBN is broken. It comes back with a server error and looks all wh…
- autoflavour
Australian Politics.
So much chaos.
Krudd is better than Abbott.. but seriously, its like a fucking circus down there
- autoflavour
Four tet is Burial
*head explodes..
- autoflavour
Happy birthday Tupac..
and me..