- hotroddy
Masters in Fine Arts
Who here has a masters in Fine Arts?
- hotroddy
Bad Movie Websites
Terrible website. Horrible reviews. I'm setting my expectations low when watching it. I may e…
- hotroddy
portfolio critique
Hello QBN's. I know I'm sticking my neck out around these parts but I just updated my portfolio for the first time in 10 years. …
- hotroddy
web font - unit size
Do you use em's or pixels? what is your unit?
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breaking rental contract
Anyone have any experience w breaking your 1 year apartment contract?
I moved in 3 months ago, signed a 1 year contract but w…
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Anyone have any ideas?
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adobe cc live event
just started if interested:
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is down?
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photoshop windows
My photoshop windows won't tile in Mavericks (new iMac). On my macbook running same osx i hit option + f10 and all open windows …
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Comcast > Timer Warner
Comcast buys Time Warner. Can't be good for the american internet.
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So, I thought it was Myriad Bold Pro but it doesn't quite line up.
Anyone have any…
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qbn 2014 resolutions
Can we agree not to post in Kanye and Miley threads this coming year.
What are your qbn resolutions?
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ipad games
getting on a flight tonight.
anyone recommend good iPad games?
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Safari 7 - flash
You have to click to enable flash content including ads. You have to right click on the ad to enable the flash version.
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inDesign RGB print
If image files within inDesign are RGB but you export the PDF for print > do they convert to CMYK?
If so, is there a reason …
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eliminate internet ads
New device connects to router eliminating web ads on all your devices.
Worth $139?
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fat mexicans
mexicans are fattest in the world and to make matters worse they are the shortest:
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relying on scrolling
I'm building a site that relies solely on scrolling gestures to access more content.
In other words, the user must either …
- hotroddy
Does anyone use any former Macromedia products? It seems like they've all become irrelevant.
To think Adobe aquired it less th…