- imnotadesigner
Apples "Big Sale Not To Miss"
Are they kidding? What the hell are you saving? $50-100 off laptops, oooooooo the savings.
- imnotadesigner
VULVA Original Scent
Me and the guys in the studio decided to buy one to see what it was all about. It arrived today and…
- imnotadesigner
Sucks balls.
The end.
- imnotadesigner
photo $$
Whats an average price of a framed photo for sale in a gallery?
- imnotadesigner
my first photos on display
So I've put together a few series of images that will be on display at the Local Company, a resto/lounge opening this Friday in To…
- imnotadesigner
Photographers - How do you...
How do you approach people when you want to photograph them? Im talking real people off the street.
- imnotadesigner
Im in a bind.... any suggestions?
Ok, so a friend of mine calls me up because needs some photography for a new resto/lounge opening up in Toronto.
I have to mee…
- imnotadesigner
hot chicks with douchebags
want a good laugh?.....
- imnotadesigner
Qbn'ers want botbot!
Burn him at the steak!…
- imnotadesigner
dumb asses
I was cruising through the channels earlier on cuz thats what I do and I came across a story of these adrenaline junkie motorcycle…
- imnotadesigner
Don't buy Audi's
Leave them for the people who deserve to drive them. Just sayin.
- imnotadesigner
Transporter 3
Just want everyone to know that I haven't seen the movie yet. But I will, and I think its going to be totally awesome
- imnotadesigner
Just want everyone to know that I just saw the movie on Friday night and its totally awesome…
- imnotadesigner
UFC - Lesnar vs. Coture
Who won?
- imnotadesigner
Quantum o Solace
Just want everyone to know that I just saw the movie tonight and its totally awesome
- imnotadesigner
its just water
its only water for christ sake!…
- imnotadesigner
bottle design original?
Ive been seeing this kind of stuff more frequently as of lately. Bottles with an element of design on the inside.
Just wonderi…
- imnotadesigner
Russell Peters
Can anyone guide me to where I can see the full "red white & brown" video online.
- imnotadesigner
Worst Fight Scene Ever
<object width="464" height="388" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=41a6eb7cf5" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><embed width="464" height="388" flashvars="key=41a6eb7cf5" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><div style="text-align:center;width: 464px;">See more <a href="">funny videos</a> at Funny or Die</div>