- voiceof
Simple Question
This should be an easy task, but I can't seem to find out how to do it anywhere.
How do I resize a bar graph in illustrator (CS3…
- voiceof
css, javascript library
I'm starting to put together a personal library of css (multi-level navigation, calendar etc...) snippets and jquery plugins (acco…
- voiceof
Wired/Craigslist article
I was reading the craigslist redesign article and got to the comments section and was just blown away by the reaction from most of…
- voiceof
CSS Sprites
When grouping elements into a large image does it make sense to mix in images that will only be used once (i.e. home page ad) with…
- voiceof
Similar Styles
Anyone know of any sites implementing a similar style to the "hertz happy" work or links to any illustrators working in this style…
- voiceof
collage style
I need to know out a sales sheet with limited copy for an engineering/const... type firm. As with most all of these firms they lov…
- voiceof
Styling select boxes
It's a pain the ass to style select boxes, check boxes etc... without using a bunch of extra mark up.
What do you use to style…
- voiceof
What are some alternatives to sauna from underware?…
They only s…
- voiceof
type question
I'm sure the type is custom but do you know of any typefaces that have the same feel.
And while I'm being lazy, anyone have any…
- voiceof
font pairing
What serif face would you pair with proxima nova (similar to gotham)? I looked at faces like mercury but it seemed a bit to hard e…
- voiceof
Like coda slider but different
I'm not too well versed in Javascript, so I'm hoping there is a premade solution out there. I need to find something like the coda…
- voiceof
Basic HTML question
This may be simple but can't for the life of me figure it out.
Assume you want to get to the following:
http:// w w w.yoursite…
- voiceof
Second life designer
I need to find someone who can create a few 3d models and movies etc... for use in second life.
Anyone here do this sort of th…
- voiceof
Playing for change
The song made my day; might do the same for you.
- voiceof
Opentype and Sifr
Is there a way to use opentype alternates in flash? I'd like to set it up for use in sifr.
- voiceof
Like Superfamous
I really dig the super clean, super functional (notice the theme) sites that he puts out.
Anyone have any links to agencies or …