Ex Boss Goes Insane

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • PonyBoy0

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    k0na... yer a sick son-of-a...

    I love you though. :)

    ethios - you're not thinking idealistically... I think you're just being humane and want to show support for a dude who's obviously in need of help...

    ... which is why I'm having such a hard time with this.

    This guy's been around the block in our world too... he judged on a couple comm arts annuals a while back... has done some major illustration work for some big periodicals etc..

    ... all I'm saying is that he's talented, inspiring and has always been up front and honest with me on everything.

    He's not a bad guy - he's just losing his shit - I think there's something wrong mentally. He never sleeps - moves at a million miles an hour (talks as fast too) and is ALWAYS in the middle of about 15 personal projects (building furniture, writing a book, puting together some amazing photography... you name it)...

    this is him btw - I don't mind letting people in on the fact that this guy's having issues - everyone in this town knows it - and it's published info about his arrests etc...

    talented fucker (shitty site though).


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