
Out of context: Reply #12

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  • madirish0

    his house in santa monica is a wonderful example moderisnt american architectue. completely concrete inside walls and out with one of the most extensive modern art collections displayed throughout the entire gallery.

    i say gallery as he has probably 'lived' in the house 2 weeks of the 15 he has owned it. it is a complete experience in that it is a pristine display of glamourse (sp?) wealth, masked in the most special, sweet, passionate love for contemporary finae art. he is truly a passionate supported and collector of art and his 'place' is a wonderful monument of this.

    although, to live in it would be challenging to say the least. 12 foot concrete interiors with slab floors and gallery lighting would be tough..... except when you woke up to one of the best views of the pacific on the pacific. ;)

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