
Out of context: Reply #8

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  • Nairn0

    Regardless of whether I agree with him or not, he is wrong to state that a British Prime Minister was assassinated by Zionists in Palestine and nor can he state absolutely that capitalism is an entirely unsuitable social paradigm (unbridled capitalism, sure - but look at other capitalist democracies - Sweden, for example).

    Whilst I don't know the full backstory (- was this an unprovoked rant, or an answer to a question?) I'm not sure that it is right for - an admittedly passionate and clearly intelligent - 28 year old geography teacher to use the classroom to convey his clearly political BELIEFS. As stated in the report - it is not a balanced forum with a weighted opposition. If I was a right-leaning parent, I'd be concerned if my kid had to listen to that...

    But yeah, the kid's a snitch.

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