OMFG ...ouch

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • JackRyan0

    My friend was real drunk, and him and some buddies were in a cab. They thought it would be a good idea for Mark to fake a seizure and everyone would split to get out of paying the fare. Well Mark jumped out of the cab and started convulsing, and his buddies ran off. Needless to say they didnt think through the plan to well, because Mark was laying there with the cabby starting to get out of the cab. Mark jumped up and took off running with the cabby on his heels. After about five blocks the cabby gave up, but Mark thought he was still being chased. He ran into an alley and shimmied up a downspout onto the roof of a 3 story apartment building. He still thought he was being chased and ran accross the roof, and thinking he could James Bond it from one roof to the next apartment building he jumped...bounced off the side of the next building and landed in another alley breaking his back. His buddies didnt know where he was, or what happened, and he had to call his dad on his cell phone. His dad drove an hour and a half into Denver to pick up Mark and take him to an emergency room.

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