
Out of context: Reply #8

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  • smrz0

    Yeah - it was pretty good.

    The dialogue was great, although a lot of people couldn't look past the fact that these were high-school kids speaking like 1930's homicide detectives. Nevertheless - I loved the dialogue - it was interesting and different.

    The acting was a little, let's say, less than moving, but copable, and yeah - it was kinda dark, in the "noir" category I guess.

    But the best part is that the movie made fun of itself throughout. Like, there's this part - *SPOILER DISCLAIMER* - when the main character, our sleuth, meets the "kingPin" in the school parking lot, in the back of the "kingPin's" mom's van, with floor lamp for lightin, no less, takes a ride aorund the block to talk "business" and gets dropped back off in the school parking lot as the "kingPin's" roughins kick him out of the side of the van onto the curb in the school parking lot, next to a payphone.


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