Out of context: Reply #32

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  • josimarX0

    Yip, the gerry's look unbeatable. but a france v the germans final would be pretty exciting.
    Hi MX, hench is a prick, just ignore him - his website, little though there is of it, looks very amateurish and faux trendy so dinnae let that fud comment on fuck all. (sorry I never got back about joining you for booze, I was in Germany at the World Cup!!!- got the message when I returned)
    can;t believe brazil and arg are out! gutted they never performed.
    As for Engerland, the aggressive and racist fans I saw in Germany (and that's every single one of them, seriously)deserve exactly what they've got. Why Sven played 4-5-1 with potentially the best midfield in the world I'll never know. he should have just stuck Hargreaves in Beckhams position and played crouch from the start. There you go, sorted ;)

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