Internet Congestion Charge

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  • Baskerville0

    I've read about this before. I think charging for view on demand internet etc (ie large bandwidth usage) would be ok.

    But to charge to send emails (even if it's 1p) is crazy. Plus even if you have a 'slow' connection, how long could it take an email to get somwhere? a couple of seconds? Would 'fast' users emails get sent in less than one second? who cares when talking those kinds of differences.

    I really hope this doesn't happen, there's a large lobbist group against this in washington at the moment. I really think the internet is the best it's ever been, all these web 2.0 sites that empower users to create and share, and open minds to new things.

    It would be a huge shame if that was lost due to corporate greed.

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