Agency life

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  • arohner0

    I have been very lucky to work at firms that do respect your life outside of work, but they can be hard to find. I also worked as a designer for a corporation in their internal design department and it was very 'office space.' The same work each week, gray cubicles, UGH. I only worked there a year. Great pay, benefits, and 8-5, but very depressing and certainly not good for my creativity.

    I work for an awesome agency now. They do not work us like slaves. If I want to stay late, I do by choice. They are very respectful of my time. (The boss has even told me to leave sometimes - "Get out of here already. It's Friday!" It's great and I am very lucky.

    I think one of the main problems with the agencies that over-work people is that their project managers do not properly manage the project timelines and work resources or they promise unreasonable deadlines without talking to the creative team first. That is a serious problem and that is part of what causes some designers to work 70 hours a week - because something unreasonable has been promised and now it's on their shoulders.

    No worries. Not all agencies are like that. Life is too short to spend so much of your time working.

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