Driving on Weed

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • Nairn0

    heh. the only car crash I've ever had was when I wasn't stoned.

    (*touch wood¹)

    I don't drive much these days, but when I did, I *always* drove at-least-a-little-stoned and honestly believe I was [a wee bit, anyway] safer than normal (and I class myself as a pretty good driver).

    I have been too stoned to drive though - when I was about 20 I had an überWhitey at the wheel, had to stop the car (in the middle of the street) and curl up and breathe deeply for a few minutes. Not smart.

    Driving on weed is nowhere near as bad as driving on acid/mushrooms/pills, all of which I've [very stupidly] done at different stages, and each of which is terribly dangerous.

    (¹ You have this phrase outside Britain? If not - I'm not touching an erection, but superstitiously begging Mother Karma for forgiveness in the face of audacity)

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