3deep pictures

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Nairn0

    the *easiest* way to do it would be manually, in photoshop, by creating an output-size document, then an x by y 'tile' document, with your source image as a layer. Start by aligning your source image to the top-right. Take a copy, paste in other document. Move back to 'tile' document, shift source image layer by x pixels horizontally, rinse'n'repeat until you've done a full row, then shift the source layer y pixels vertically, rinse repeat etc.

    I'm sure you could probably cut time by clever management - ie. only limit the width of your source tile document, do your horizontal repeats then mask off each row vertically (does that make any sense?).

    *Easy*, but slow. And maddening.

    Either that, or do something clever in java/action-script.

    Or, rip off these guys' code, search replace the image tag, then do a screengrab. Though that'd be pretty shit for print.

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