Poor Re-design?

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • freshmode0

    I think it is average. Nothing great. I liked the other better.

    Does anyone else have an issue with the buttons not going anywhere. If someone isn't able to view the menu for whatever reason, they will have to find another way to get to the main page of each section. And with so many new users of photoshop, I think it is important to have main level access to each section. Not just in the drop down menu.

    That is the only issue I have with it. I do agree with it being a poor effort for a graphic software company. Their is a lot you can do with that site. I would love to see a competition for the next redesign. It would be interesting to see how many people will try to be, if you will, "politically correct" when they design for adobe and how many people will try to go to the extreme. Maybe something to propose ehh? I would get in on that... I am sure you all would as well.

    well, I've said enough.

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