New Wacom Logo

Out of context: Reply #54

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  • cannonball0

    The design looks bad to us because it's made of gradients and to a trained eye appears poorly constructed. But when you consider that they opted for not making it spin around and have a popped out 3d word bubble around it, it actually really sticks out in my mind. The wordmark I agree is horrendous techie garbage, but the horn thing is executed interestingly. Why does the horn have to be symmetrical? Or super overproduced? Perhaps like the olympics logo (which while I agree is a shit approach for a timeless institution), they might be trying to step far ahead of what we percieve and even expect in a logo or even branding perspective. I mean, that horn thing isnt even a logo per se, or even a mascot. It's just a wierd brand device that defies the traditional logo-tagline-spokesperson stuff. Commence retaliation now.

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