The bible..

Out of context: Reply #132

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    99% of the time, the specific master you worship is dictated by your geographical location on earth.

    flag, if you were born in Iran, Jesus Christ wouldn't be your savior, you'd be praying to Allah right now and giving countless reasons as to why he's the true god and not Christ or anyone else. Doesn't that say something to you?

    It's all cultural influence. Its incredibly biased and subjective.
    (Aug 28 07, 13:14)

    never got a response to this one.
    (Oct 12 07, 11:26)

    Antonelli, that is not necessarily true. There are Christians all over the world. Asia, for example, has eclipsed the west in sheer numbers of professing Christians. The largest churches in almost any denomination are actually in South Korea, of all places.

    Most religions are localized, or at least highly concentrated in certain areas. If locale dictates religion, then I should be into animism and earth worship like the Eastern Plains Indians were way back before us white folks. People in Britain should be worshipping Lleu, Rhiannon, Don, etcetera. People in Norway should be worshipping Thor and Freyja.

    People change and religious hotbeds migrate. Large parts of Indo-China are predominantly Muslim right now. This is utterly foreign to the east, and a relatively recent import.

    Christianity did not come from the west, it came from the middle east.

    We all have a bias. We all come equipped with presuppositions. We are all heavily influenced, but not necessariuly defined, by our upbringing.

    All religions contradict each other in ways so fundamental as to exclude the possibility for "one God, many names and many faiths."

    The God of the Bible and Allah of the Koran bear only surface-level resemblances. Both cultures hark back to Abraham and his offspring. Both religions believe there is one God. Both have developed systems of morality. Both meet on houses of worship. The similarities end there.

    Yes: it is all biased and subjective, unless God invented man, vs. the other way around.

    People who refuse to admit the possibility of absolute truth are incapable of seeing it all in any other way than as an incredibly subjective mess.

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