NT Redesign?

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • mg330

    I would not touch the visuals at all.

    I'd add the things I find myself wanting often:

    Bookmark capability for threads.

    Ability to flag certain posts - meaning, say I start a thread about something technical, and get 30 responses, but maybe 5 are worthwhile - I could flag those replies as "Important" or "Remember."

    BattleAxe mentioned link thumbnails - I think it would be awesome to integrate some kind of image preview to the PVN that could show a condensed version of the image link.

    Also, for what it's worth, a "thread frequency" gizmo that would say what the top 5 threads were each day. If I get a new job soon my NT time is going to diminish considerably, but I still want to keep up with everything!

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