Pot, meet kettle

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • 13 Responses
  • Studiospooky0

    Fuck. That's a mess. On a slight side note, as an illustrator I have found that nobody, nobody at all without exception ever comes with a commission with anything like a sensible amount of time available. I only ever get briefed as above...

    Client: " We suddenly need this today even though we have never mentioned it before, and we want it like this other thing you did that we found on your website"

    Me: Yeah. That piece took two weeks to produce and cost 10k excluding the photoshoot and model hire"

    Client: "Okay, sounds great. We have 12euros, and half an hour. But its okay becuase instead of the model girls can we just have mobile phones, thats east isn't it...we need about four hundred of them. All different."

    Me: "Errr.... I'll err... I'll see what I can do"

    Client: "Okay Bye"... click. Phone rings two seconds later..

    Client: "Hi, How's it going? We'd like to see something in three minutes. Oh, and on top of the foour hundred mobile phones can we also have some girls in bikinis made of fruit? Need it by lunchtime" click.

    Me: "OH. FUCK OFF"

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