
Out of context: Reply #12

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  • flavorful0

    putting that in the resume under "accolades"
    (Dec 14, 07, 3:11 p.m.)

    Two weeks ago in a meeting, apparently my unconscious tactics of answering questions with questions or changing the subject finally boiled over in a VP from another company who started screaming that he never gets a straight answer from me, starts babbling nonsense and doing an imitation of me, knocks everything off a table and stormed out of the room.

    I looked around and saw the dumbfounded gaze from associates from both companies in the room, smiled and said, "I am putting that on my resume under, invokes action."

    Brought the house down. Which I am sure was not what he wanted to hear as he was storming down the hallway.

    I even spun apology speak to him to get him to apologize to me afterwards. Kept the client too, haha.

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