
Out of context: Reply #19

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    Art is great. We have a place here called the Black Forest which is a German Food place that has a Richard Avadon Print because he spent so much time there. It was shot like 12 years later... ( because girlfriend was cheating on the guy or something). Walker is a prestigious art museum that houses a very fine modern art collection. Today I just got done with a private viewing of the documentary on Cristo and Jean-Claude and their work they did in New York known as the Gates. Design is outstanding, we have firms like Duffy Design, Larsen, Nanckeville who have a national and international standard. Minnesota AIGA division houses the former president of the National AIGA, who created student involvement in the AIGA. They also hold outstanding lectures from people like Steven Heller. Advertisement city is true as our biggest pulled in over 1 billion billed for 2008. We have firms like Charmichael Lynch who is doing amazing. Also some of the bigger dogs like Fallon who is consistently winning awards like the British Advertising Awards. The Gutherie is a new building that is stunning. St. Paul that I live in up on the old Cathedral hill is another hot spot for more of the traditional bars. Night life is nice but not as big as the huge towns. The dike thing, could be true... We do have a famous bar known as the Gay 90's. Tons of small firms like SPUNK Design machine, Sventhsin, Eight Hour Day, Catchfire. Minneapolis is a great place to live as I experienced. Not too large, not too small. E-mail me if you have any more questions be more than happy to help.

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