Attn: Detritus

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Spookytim0

    Flickering down from somewhere above, a single piece of ticker tape dances the lithe freestyle boogie of brownian motion and finally skitters to rest at the long, clown-like feet of Detritus. He looks and see a single gold monogrammed B, and with idle curiosity he bends to pick it up, at once letting out a rude parp of gassy embarrasment and splitting his Rupert bear trousers at the seat. Turning the fragile slip of paper over he reads the words etched there by an artist's hand

    "You try too hard"

    and with that, the acceptance of war is stamped upon both men's convergent destinies, and thunder rents, and The Holloway Road seems to stop breathing for a moment.

    • "dances the lithe freestyle boogie of brownian motion" is the most beautiful thing I have read todaydetritus
    • Why thank you. I do try to gild the lillie wherever possible.Spookytim

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