black people directed by a white guy

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • pr2-4

    Well i can only assume you are a small boy from the mountainous region of Afghanistan and only recently started to experience the magic of Television – you know with the fancy effects of editing, you know when two pieces of footage are spliced together... So it actually matters what comes before and after – shaking asses coming from a TV screen that the little boy stumbles upon watching and actually looks away... Damn my editor is really pulling some magic out – he's gotta be the first man ever to tell a story with editing – don't worry in due time your understanding of the medium will grow as your local TV station will start broadcasting more then the donkey races shot with one contentious take.

    Or that out of 12 dudes (and probably 20 people) in all of video you single out the one dude who chose to wear flashy clothes – i know, i know with nothing but sand and mud huts around the sparkling sunglasses do stand out.

    Or that you reveal your closet racism by calling a bunch of great people who are having fun with the camera “thugs”...

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