
Out of context: Reply #17

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  • ninjasavant0

    I want to preface this by saying that I do not support the sex trade or human trafficking. I think its deplorable and this was a unique event for me that woke me up to use more discretion in what I choose to do. That said . . .

    I went there to visit my friend's family who lived there. One night while we were there he proposed we visit the brothel area of town. This was back in my 'never say no to an experience' days so I agreed since it seemed like something that was quite common over there.

    So we went to this part of town where there's a hotel on every corner and a brothel in every hotel. I don't remember where exactly, he was leading the way. So we get there and we're walking around and some Indian guy hears me speaking english to my friend and he walks up and says "you want dirty? you want dirty?" I give my standard reply of "what?" and my friend walks up, they talk, he gives the guy 10 dirhams and he starts walking. We follow him down a number of alley ways, each successively darker and less populated.

    At this point I'm a little nervous. It was clear where we were there was a lot of activity going on but we were heading to a place of less activity. In any case I continue following and we end up in front of a black door in the middle of the alley. Our guide knocks and an eye level slit opens up. The guide and the doorman exchange words and the slit closes. A couple minutes later the door opens and it is pitch black inside except for a light off in the distance. I started to have second thoughts but my friend, the one who spoke arabic and had the keys, walks in so I follow.

    As we get closer to the light I notice that the room we entered is full of school desks (?). We get to the light and its a small hallway with an elevator and a staircase that spirals up around it. There's a small, old man sitting next to the elevator who would act as the elevator operator. As we get into the elevator, mind you I have been trying to keep silent this whole time so as not to tip off my American heritage, I hear my friend say ". . . America . . ." and I feel like my cover is blown.

    Now I have never lost conscousness aside from falling asleep. I've never passed out or otherwise involuntarily blacked out. As the elevator goes up it hits me what is going on and my eyes start to go black and I can feel my knees buckling. At that point I grab the railing and do my best to look nonchalant while I fight my instinct to pass out since I really didn't want to be passed out in a brothel in a country where I didn't speak the language of most people in the building.

    We get to the third floor, the Russian floor apparently, and we step off the elevator into a small hallway with 2 doors on either end. There is a lot of activity going on: guys running up and down the stairs, people hanging out and talking. In front of each door is a woman, not a girl, a woman. I'd put the average age at around 36 and the average weight around 200 lbs (~95kg). Rought was an understatement.

    My friend looks at me and I just shake my head. We head up to the 4th floor, the Indian floor. According to my friend they noticed he was Lebanese and turned us down. I've never quite understood that so if someone has some insight into that I'd appreciate it. Anyway, we head back downstairs despite the fact that women on that floor were decidedly more attractive.

    We get back to the Russian floor and my friend makes a selection. A selection is made for me as I'm pushed into a door and my friend gives the guy 100 dirhams to cover both of us. The doors close.

    The woman with whom I was assigned was about 5'6" around 200lbs, had on a dirty, red velvet dress, and "gold" teeth that looked more brass than anything, and dark hair. She's dancing next to me putting her arms around me, taking change out of my pockets, telling me how pretty I am, and all I'm doing is a constant nervous giggle. This goes on for about a minute until she steps back and says inquisitively "me you? me you?" I give my standard answer "what?" and she reaches down and pulls off the dress.

    Oh. My. God. All 200 lbs of cellulite and scars is now in all its glory in front of me. As I turn my head away she leads me over to the bed and kind of pushes me down (I'm fully clothed, mind you) and she straddles my thighs and tells me she's pregnant. Fantastic. In my head I'm screaming and trying not to think about what I could be laying on. She slaps her thighs and announces "we fuck now." I say "no." She gets a weird look on her face, slaps her thighs again and says a little more urgently "we fuck now." I say "no" and push her off of me, stand up, collect myself, and leave the room. All this has taken place in about 5 minutes. Meanwhile my friend is off in the room I saw him go into.

    I go sit on the stairs and start chain smoking wishing I was anywhere else and I see our guide is still there. He comes and sits next to me and says "good time?" I let him know that it was indeed a good time for all involved. He stands up, walks around a bit, talks to some people, I smoke, and he comes back and sits next to me again. "Good time?" "Yeah, great time."

    Up until this point in the story our guide has been a somewhat friendly looking person. But at this point his face drops and he gets a look in his eye as he says "more money." I don't have any money and I let him know. "No more money?" "No more money." He gets pissed and starts pacing the hallway in an agitated way always looking at me and occasionally confirming my lack of funds.

    Now at this point I notice that all of the activity I had noticed about 10 minutes prior has come to a halt. All the men that had been running about have now assembled in the corner of the hallway and the guide is talking to them and occasionally saying "America" at which point they all give me a look. Its now that I come to terms with the fact that I'm going to die. I'm going to be taken out into the desert, beaten to death, and buried in the sand to be found by a lucky sand surfer. I didn't panic, no life before my eyes, but I decide the stairs would probably be an uncomfortable place to start this endeavor so I stand up and continue smoking.

    As a group they approach me and the guide gives me something of a smirk and gives me one last chance and says "no more money?" I don't know why it occurred to me at that point but I point at the door my friend had gone into and say "he has the money." "He has money?" "He has money."

    They move as a group to the door and start beating on it demanding he come out immediately (I assume by their tone). A minute or so passes and my friend comes out. They exchange some words and we give the guy 15 more dirhams and they let us go.

    Mind you that we've paid 130 dirhams for this experience which works out to roughly $27.50 given the exchange rate at the time. All things considered I'm not sure I was in as much danger as I felt I was in but I'm glad I didn't need to find out.

    And thats the story.

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