Global Warming

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • colin_s0

    * environmentalist hi pitched vocal response! *

    * conservative varying degrees of statistics response *

    and thus continues another thread on the internet.

    really, personally i think global warming is a problem but, i mean, just do your fucking part. recycle, don't waste water or energy, utilize public transport or those amazing things called legs.

    somehow the media has been able to politicize common sense in order to sell ad space on the 24/7 'news' networks and it's goddamn amazing what it does to america. i wonder what would happen if wolf blitzer would say "the terrorists have written gullible on your ceiling."

    • +1utopian
    • high pitched responses won't do shit, but neither will just recycling and walking either you knowTheBlueOne
    • don't recycle. reusewordssssss

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