How to offer your services cold

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • Spookytim0

    Mojo, I failry recently called up Bristol Cars, makers of swanky cars to the stars to offer to rework their website for them. I know fuck all about websites at all but Bristol's is so appallingly bad that even I could do it better in Dreamweaver. Anyway, I called up and got put through to the owner of the company. I explained why I was calling for about three seconds and then was interrupted by the most hysterical tyrade of posh old man's unfettered contempt and hatred down the phone for about ten minutes before he hung up on me.

    So, my advice is this... use Bristol Cars as a testing ground for any cold calling techniques you're thinking of trying, if they work there, you're on to a winner.

    In fact, i throroughly recommend everyone call up Bristol Cars once in a while if bored. Very entertaining indeed.
    That's the website of a company that make £400,000.00 cars.

    • My Gosh, what awful, awful cars.detritus
      OH MY GOD!
    • They deserve everything they get for treating our Spooky like that. HEATHENS.detritus
    • LOL - Have you ever seen their showroom in Kensington Olympia? They've had the same cars there for months!
    • Can we please have QBN competition to see who can get a foot in the door at bristol re web design?Spookytim
    • Cars for tasteless old people!Mojo
    • they are a laundry obviouslycapsize

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