Cheney's tax - WTF

Out of context: Reply #55

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  • Drno0

    guys guys guys
    2008 is going to be a decisive year, so lets pull our keyboards away and see who will succeed.

    I say in 2008,
    we're going to know if the US can rise from the credit crunch they're in (better for the rest of us),
    we're going to experience the pleasure of another costly occupation (see petraeus/cheney/bush... on Iran) ,
    we're going to enjoy the power of draft (100 year occupation = draft which means more dead innocent civilians),
    we're going to see a $200 baril of crude oil (for those who didn't realize it, we just hit $112),
    we're going to run over tibet for an olympic medal,
    we're going to see if Italy gets kicked out of europe,
    we're going to have to support yet another justin timberlake's disc,
    we're going to open the door to a new understanding of our universe with the hardon collider,

    they're so many things that are going to make this year great, so lets pull the keyboard away and enjoy the end of an era

    smile :)

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