ever been to prison?

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  • CyBrainX0

    Here's my close call:

    I was on one of the worst streets in Long Island, on the way to work, many years ago. I was being pulled over by police for passing a car in a school zone. I had three hours of sleep from working on a school project and not thinking clearly. I decided to make a run for it. So, in my little Honda CRX, I bolted, lost them, and while I was lost, I slowed down. Then they found me. There were two cops in the car who screamed and cursed me for quite a while. Then, I was in handcuffs in the back seat of the car, while they fully intended to arrest me. They thought I either stole my car or was selling drugs. They inspected my art bin which had a piece of eraser that was suspected to be crack. That was confiscated. I looked them straight in the face and told them I wasn't trying to ditch them and that I was just lost, looking for the right road. Once they were convinced I wasn't a pimp, crack-dealing car thief they decided to write me 10 tickets. They wrote four, asked each other if that was enough. From the back seat, I said "I think that will do it." They asked me if I was going to appear in court. I told them I was too nervous to decide. I went to work a little late and when I appeared in court, the judge dismissed everyone in the room because the cops didn't come in. I totally got away with it and was more relieved than any point in my life.

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