what's your dream job?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Corvo0

    As a kid I used to say I would become a writer, and I put many efforts into it later on until my mid-twenties - but then that prospect slowly eroded itself off because my life went in a different direction. I still think of it, but I also know I have nothing new to say as far as literature goes. In my view, to be a proper artist (say a painter or a sculptor), a musician or a writer and seek formal and expressive evolution in that job it takes full-time dedication. It's not something you can do with spares and gigs with clients.

    I don't think professional design (and doodling) and photography or video work is art, such as I don't think scratching three-chords and samples makes you a musician. It's a pretty personal view, but it is how I look at things.

    • Agreeismith
    • yes but fine art isn't design.
      so nature balances itself.

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