design your own hand-bags

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • case20000

    Thanks everyone for the kind and the silly words! And especially for the solid suggestions!

    adev: because I _like_ Flash :-) Nothing animated? it's not 2-advanced I know, but most every element has at least a quick fading transition... cart layout is elastic, bags move into position.. I used Tweener all over the place. (TweenMax is my new fav.) There's also a smattering of timeline animations...

    no special fonts? its got 3 weights of DIN used throughout (and using flash8/9's custom anti-aliasing settings - html text don't look like that, at least on PCs), and the "grunge text" is actually dynamicly generated bitmaps, also based off DIN - with a few exceptions, all text is dynamic, pulled from xml. DIN != Arial!

    I also enjoyed the challenge of making a full-flash-ecommerce site. As you guessed, it started as flash being the most obvious choice for bag previews, (not to mention loading/reprioritizing all the separate images needed) and once we started using SWFAddress... deeplinks, local-shared-objects for storing carts... Flash also makes layouts easy to tweak - many bag-related interface elements are positioned via the IDE, and some xml-positioned elements even support dragging in the SWF in "admin mode", spitting out modified XML as you re-crop a thumbnail for example. Flash sites can be their own CMSs! I also don't miss having to test on 4 IEs.

    Coming up next - live VIDEO preview of you sashaying down the street looking cute with your new bag. :-D

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