Buying Source Files

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • Gucci0

    If they're going to be taking the work out of your hands and you know it beforehand - charge extra right out of the gate. As skelly says, some people figure they own those files so it's tough to charge them for it afterwards unless it's written in a contract somewhere.

    I know people who sell their design services as "consultation" so any files that the client requests be handed over are not part of their original agreement and are subject to different fees, taxes, etc.

    In the case of web work, the client is paying for the design, not for the intricacies of code etc. If they want that stuff - they have to pay extra. A book is different though - and yes ... skelly's caveat is a must. Play nice with them if you really need their business, but be fair to yourself too.

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