Englishman in LA

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • JackRyan0

    Hah...I got a good/stupid East LA story. I was getting gas outside of downtown and this kid asked me for a ride home, said he just got out of jail. I was in a weird mood and just felt like I should do it. I drove him to his house which is probably the deepest I've ever been in that neighborhood. He wanted me to come and meet his family, and he said his dad would give me gas money. I followed him into his house and his dad stood up and had tears rolling down his eyes, his mom was shouting and jumping up and down, an aunt started hugging me and I had immediately had a little girl wrapped around my leg. Another sister came out of a back room and started to cry and went to hug this guy.

    I felt as awkward as possible at this point and was trying to get the little 2 year old off my leg, wave goodbye, and back out of the front door at the same time. His dad yelled, "Stop...come here my friend." And he took out a fat wad of cash, and tried to give me $200. I refused and said I was just glad to help, but he kept on insisting. I told the kid to tell him thank you, but it was my pleasure. The kid told his dad, and they spoke in Spanish for a while. Then the dad grabbed me and gave me a big bear hug.

    The kid said his father wanted to repay me for giving him a ride and being so gracious and they invited me to stay for dinner. So I hung out and talked with him and his sister, they were both into metal. I guess he was arrested for a dui and driving without a license. She kept asking me if I thought their family was weird...hahaha. That was probably one of the best meals I've ever had, super random experience too. Sorry about the long post.

    • hah...awesome, Jack.akrokdesign
    • similar thing hapened to my brother in florida but it turned into a darker tale involving guns and drugs. I like yours much more!_salisae_

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