Gripe Friday

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • 7point340

    our partner has been developing a database for us for 3 years now. it's still not done. i have no understanding why that is, unless they are fucking retarded. then of course i feel sorry for them and say "oh my what have you made? it's beautiful" when they hand us part of the code soaked in paste and glitter.

    they have a PDF generator they installed (open source FOP code or somesuch shit) they didn't even have to write this! they show us how it works, you input an XML file it generates a PDF. wonderous. it seems to work like a charm. so they give me the login info to test it this week.

    send over documentation and ftp info. even zip up an ftp program to use. last minute they tell us that they changed how we have to connect. we know have to make a VPN connection to their servers first. fine, no idea why, but fine. they zip up a VPN client software, and send it over with more documentation and more login info.

    install everything, connect with VPN... go to connect to ftp.... VPN closes. try again. VPN closes again. try a different FTP client. it doesn't connect. we email them about it. they haven't gotten back to us yet. this was supposed to be done by today, but i haven't even been able to test it yet.

    • THREE YEARS?!flavorful
    • 3 fucking years.7point34
    • and a website that has been held up for 2 years because of it7point34
    • this is why i spend all day on QBN7point34
    • Its your fault the projects late because YOU cant connect to their server....Nice!!!philipdrumman

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