
Out of context: Reply #16

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  • harlequino0

    My RATM tale:

    Summer after freshman year of high school I went to Lollapalooza in this dusty ass airstrip in Rhode Island (I am from New Hampshire). Somehow got sucked into the crazy huge mosh pit during Rage's set. People are flailing, punching, diving, etc. At one point I fall down. Before I hit the floor and get trampled, this hand grabs me and pulls me up. I recognize this guy.
    "Dude, you were in my fuckin Geometry class!!"
    It's this guy Mark, who was one of the more militant jocks who mocked and beat up on the lesser folk on the high school food chain.
    "Awesome to see you, man!!" and he dives back in the crowd.
    About a week later, while I worked in a record store, Mark comes in to buy the Rage album. He sees me and sets off reminiscing about the show and how much he now loves RATM.
    From that day on, Mark pretty much abandoned the popular jock crowd. Last I heard he was something of a labor rights activist in Boston. Thanks, RATM!

    • ahah. RATM changed my lifeESKEMA
    • hahaha that's ridiculous!flavorful
    • hahaha
      I can't bring myself to intentionally harm myself in a mosh pit.

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