Considering going full-time from self-employed

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  • Spookytim0

    I often think about going back into employment these days. I don't know why, my business does very well. I have this creeping fear of being made irrelevant by technology though, and becuase I don't do modern dynamic information technology I feel like illustrators might become museum specimins soon. Traditional non-screen designers too.

    I often think that as much as I loathed and detested Interbrand in my twenties, I could probably grow old quite happily talking meaningless brandshite in their hallow'd corridors these days.

    There were always utterly pointless people in their 50's in those kinds of companies, and as a young man I detested them and resented them for drawing a wage. I couldn't undertsand why they would cling on to their jobs when everyone thought they were hapless old fools who had nothing to contribute.

    I know why they were there now. An easy ride into retirement with a pension. Gimme gimme.

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