obama in europe

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • ukit0

    God you people are whiners. We're close to electing the most progressive guy in decades and suddenly he's not good enough because he has good event staging.

    And bliznutty - anarchy? What are you in 5th grade?

    • yeah i'm in fifth grade you fucking retard. what are you an adult democrat?bliznutty
    • if you can't explain your point, why bother arguing?mrdobolina
    • i'm not arguing. my point is made and you just don't get it.bliznutty
    • Your answer is to spray anarchy symbols on walls? Yeah, that'll do the trick.ukit
    • it doesn't make sense, explain it to us.mrdobolina
    • ukit. your answer is to vote for obama. we obviously should not even be posting back & forthbliznutty
    • what is your answer?mrdobolina
    • Obviously some people just want to shake their fist, it makes them feel cool.ukit
    • what is your answer? talking about shaking fists...mrdobolina
    • answer: DON'T support wealthy, oppressive, war-loving states. nor be naive that they are not those thingsbliznutty
    • do you pay taxes?mrdobolina
    • unfortunately yes. however i'm green anarchist at heart. i will be protesting the DNC next month!bliznutty
    • oh, that is why there is no talking to you...mrdobolina
    • or rather, why there is little understanding from you!bliznutty
    • good luck with creating green anarchy. so is that anarchy with environmental rules then?mrdobolina
    • an anarchist who pays taxes, fight the motherfucking power, bliz!mrdobolina
    • rather someone who pays taxes and has NO voice. my only option is to be a revolutionary and RESISTbliznutty
    • spray paint is bad for the environment.mrdobolina
    • No voice, blitz? So would you mind explainging to me, and everyone else on the internet, just exactly what the internet is?kern2burn
    • is?kern2burn

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