Your last fight

Out of context: Reply #44

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  • exador10

    the night of my engagement party, my older brother, myself and some friends ended up at some club in bro and i had gone outside for a smoke...the minute we stepped out, this guy got all up in my idea why...he was just spoiling for a fight....we just walked away from that....seconds later, he came running up pretty aggresively fists all balled bro (who is WAY bigger than me) stood in front of me to face the guy and said 'hey man...chill out, it's his stag party tonight) the guy responds 'you calling me a fag?'....ok...clearly he just wanted to reason...just wanted to fight me.....he was just about to try stepping around my brother (which would have been a big bro is crazy good at this shit, when he's not being mr. niceguy) when suddenly my buddies who had been inside were somehow standing on either side of this dude 'we got a problem here' type of look in their thing about these two particular friends, is that one of them is pretty passive, but loyal as hell, and the other, well...he's almost completely off his rocker, and even more could see in his eyes how much he wanted to box this dudes ears in)...
    suffice to say, mr. aggressive's buddies saw what was about to happen to their idiot friend, came over, made appologies and dragged his stupid ass away....

    myself?...haven't been in a fight since, grade 7 or 8 or something....

    that night was the closest i've come since....

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