
Out of context: Reply #21

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  • kelpie0

    well, my flatmate went with our pal last year (pretty blonde) Marrakesh wasn't too bad though when they saw her smoking in the street (stupid move, means you're a hooker, apparently) a couple of them spat at her. No real problems with her having her shoulders uncovered though, bit more cosmopolitan there ;)

    Then they went to Casablanca and I received a phone call that night from them desperate to get me to book them a decent hotel and flights out because the place was a nightmare, Vicki was being openly abused left right and centre, the kind of stuff spooky was talking about above was happening constantly and they really really hated it. They found an expensive hotel haven and stayed there drinking scotch till they could hire a car and get the fuck out of the city.

    Girl in work and her bf went earlier this year and were very glad I had given them the smoking advice cos they experienced some similar stuff.

    Just know what the customs of a place are and what to expect really, I suppose. And know that most places are different for everyone who goes there.

    I, for example, will never go back to Italy with a girlfriend after the last time as I was running the risk of a battering in the cells and extradition by the end of my last holiday, picking up bits of the stuff they were saying to my gf thinking neither of us could decipher a latin based language. sleazy dicks.

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